The Truth

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When you woke up in Stiles bed, you were a bit confused. But then you remembered that Stiles had carried you up the stairs when you had fallen asleep, and you continued to rest there for the remainder of the night. You searched the bed for your phone, and found it under one of the pillows. Stiles continued to sleep soundly as you checked your phone. On the screen you had two texts. One from Lydia saying she was headed to the library to do some more research on the chimeras, and one from Scott saying they were moving Hayden to the hospital and she was getting worse. You knew that Hayden getting worse meant she would die soon. "Stiles, wake up." "Huh? What?" He said turning over. "I'm going to go to the library to help Lydia." "Wait, are you going to drive me to the station?" "Um, someone else is taking you." You said, pointing to the door where Malia stood, very bothered. "Yeah, I'm gonna go." You grabbed your clothes from yesterday and changed quickly in his bathroom. When you walked back into his room, he was too changed and Malia was sitting on his bed practically growling. "Good luck, today, Stiles," you said, "I hope it goes well." You walked out of the house, to your car, and to the library. When you arrived, the front door wouldn't open for some reason, so you walked around to the side door. But as you got closer to the entrance you heard...Theo? He was saying something, saying "you know too much" and then a loud thud. "Lydia!" You said, and ran in through the doors. But when you got there, Lydia wasn't there anymore. Only Theo. He took her phone and was texting something. He placed her phone on one of the shelves, walked out. You attempted to call Scott, but for some reason your phone wouldn't work. So you tried to run. As you made your way to the front door, someone caught you by the arm. "Tsk, tsk," Theo said, "Brooke, you're not supposed to be here." "Let me go," you said, trying to fry yourself from his grip. "I can't do that Brooke. You see, I have a very special time plan. You weren't supposed to be here, you were supposed to be with Stiles. But you're here. So now, I'm going to knock you out just hard enough for you to wake up to watch Liam kill Scott." "Why are you doing this?!" You yelled. "It'll all make sense soon enough." As you began to protect you felt Theo punch you right in the face. You fell back on the ground and quickly drifted off. 

As soon as you began to come awake once again, you heard Theo speak. "Do you really think I wanted to be in your pack, Scott? No, no, I came here for Void Stiles. I came here for the banshee surrounded by death, the coyote that killed her own family and your own Little Liam, an IED turned psycho werewolf. I want my own pack, and it doesn't involve you." "You forgot about Brooke." "She was just a side effect." At that point, Scott began running at Theo, but he simply stepped over the line of mountain ash and Scott smacked against it. "No Stiles, no Lydia, no Malia." Theo said, turning on a receptor that would interfere with any cell phone. Theo walked away from the library, neither him nor Scott knowing you were awake, or Scott even knowing that you were there. "Scott!" you croaked out. "Help?" "Brooke! What are you doing here?" "I came here to help Lydia. And i was greeted with a punch to my face via Theo." "He knocked you out?" "yeah," you said, standing up, "And then he said I was going to have to watch Liam kill you, but I don't understand why." "I do," he said moving you over to sit on a chair. "He's super pissed that I won't bite Hayden." "You have to try to find a way out. You can break through the mountain ash, can't you?" "I don't know I can try. Maybe on the roof?" You chuckled a bit and said, "Do you think mountain ash has elevation rules?" "I don't think we're playing by the rules anymore, Brooke." He grabbed you arm and helped you out of your chair, and you began walking up the stairs and climbed the latter up onto the roof. It was sad seeing Scott like this. He was trying so hard to save everyone and he definitely thought that breaking through this mountain ash seal was going to be the thing that fixed it all. He tried to keep pushing against the wall, but he only kept getting pushed back. "Scott.." "I can do it." "Scott, maybe just..." "I can do it, jesus!" Scott soon lost his breath, and had to take an inhale from his inhaler. But it didn't help him. "Scott?" He crushed his inhaler and it released a puff of purple smoke. "Mountain Ash," you said. "Theo," Scott replied. "What're you gonna do without you're inhaler, Scott?" a third party chimed in: Liam. "Liam?" you asked, "What're you doing here?" "I'm here to save Hayden. I'm here to do what Scott won't, or better yet can't." "It'll kill her!" Scott shouted over the brewing storm, "she will die!" "She already is dying! But I.. I can change that." He walked over to Scott, swaying, fully shifted.  "I can take it. I can take your power." Liam pulled back his arm and his claws guickly grew from his hands. "Liam, don't!"  you yelled. You tried to run toward him, but the two boys had already grabbed one another. "Scott, look out!" The boys both shattered through the skylight of the library, crashing onto the ground. You knew that Liam would kill Scott, Scott would let him. You had to help him. You climbed down the ladder and back into the library. By the time that you reached the floor of the library, Scott was laying on the stairs, Liam scrapping the skin off of Scott's front torso, claw after claw tearing him to shreds. Tears welling up in your eyes you knew you had to do something. "Liam, stop! Stop, please! Liam, LOOK AT ME!" Liam didn't listen to you, he only kept trying to murder Scott in cold blood. You knew that you had to use your newfound abilities to save both Scott and Liam. You tapped into your powers and began speaking to him. "Liam! Please look at me!" His claws retracted from Scott's body and into his hand, meaning he was returning to his human form. Tears began roll down your cheeks. "Liam, what're you doing?" you asked him. "I..I..I don't know." Liam replied. You noticed that Scott was laying lifeless. "Scott?!" You checked his pulse and listened for breathing. "No, no Scott c'mon," you said. You checked his breathing and pulse once again. "NO! Scott you can't fucking die, please!" You put your ear up to his chest and listened again, but there was nothing. "What..what's hapenning?" Liam asked. "YOU KILLED HIM!" You quickly jumped up from Scott's body and pushed Liam against one of the library shelves. "You killed him! You ruined him just like you ruin everything! Just like you ruined me, and now you took Scott away. And all for what? Hayden? A stupid crush that's only going to die anyways? I hate you Liam Dunbar! I hate you!" You began pounding on his chest, trying to hit his face, trying to hit anything. "You killed him!" You began to sob as someone held you, but it wasn't Liam, it was Mason. "Liam, what did you do?" You turned and buried your face in his chest. "He killed him." "Liam, Hayden's gone." Mason said, holding your head. "She died." You pushed Mason off of you. "Hear that?" you said, facing Liam, "the little bitch is dead and you killed Scott, your alpha, your best friend for nothing." "Brooke.." he said beginning to cry. "Go. I don't ever want to see your face again." Liam ran out of the library doors and to your surprise Scott began to mumble. "Sc.. Scott?" you immediately fell to the ground beside him. "I..I thought.." "I know, it's my heart rate, it can go a hell of a lot slower than it should be able to. " "You're alive.. you're.. alive... thank god." You put your head on his chest, and cried as he ran his fingers through your sweaty hair. "C'mon, let's go home." you said. You and Mason began to pick him up. "Scott, what happened?" Mason asked. "I don't know, it's the super moon. It was just-" "Bad timing?" Theo intervened, walking quickly up to the three of you. "I mean jesus, you couldn't of waited five minutes?" Theo swiftly threw Mason's head to the corner of a library table and swung at you next. You dodged his grasp and let Scott down on the floor. "Oh no, Theo, you won't get me, not this time. " You said circling one of the tables. "I know you've been practicing your abilities with Deaton, you still are no match for me." You had to think quick. If you beat Theo in  an actual fight, who said it would stop there? You had to make Theo think he won. So you used all the power you had left in you and tried to make him see. And it worked. He stood there not moving at all with his eyes closed. "What's happening?" Mason asked. "She's making him see." Scott replied. Theo suddenly turned and ran out of the library. "What did you make him see?" Scott asked. "I made him think he killed you." you replied, tears welling up. "I'm sorry I let Liam do this to you." Scott stood up as quickly as he could, wrapping his arms around you. "Brooke, it wasn't your fault okay? It's no ones fault but Theo's." He released you from the hug and fiddled with his fingers. "But you need to talk to Liam." "I know," you said, looking down, guilty. "But not tonight. He lost Hayden and I thought I lost you. We should just go home tonight." "That sounds amazing." Mason chimed in. So you and Mason aided Scott out of the library and back into the comfort of the McCall home.

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