The Smell of Rain

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Have you ever noticed the smell after big rain storm? Have you ever noticed how calming and satisfying it is: the deep inhale of the fresh smell of the earth? Well, the smell is actually just the smell of all the garbage and sewage near you, enhanced by the water. And that's what the next day back to school after school felt after Theo tried to kill Scott. Although the whole world felt as if it was crumbling around you by the end of the day, you still had that one little art that made you feel so refreshed, just like the smell of rain. 

At 8am you walked into the building playing the part. You had to act as if Scott had really died so you kept quiet, and acted gloomy for as long as you could. But when it came to 2nd bell you just couldn't handle it anymore. In 1st bell, you had moved to the back of the class. In 2nd bell Theo had made it his point to try to talk to you. "Where's Scoty-poo today?" he asked, sitting down next to you. "Go to hell, you piece of shit," you replied, trying to make yourself cry. "What?" he said tucking a piece of hair behind your ear. "You aren't mad at me or any-" Suddenly, Liam ripped Theo from his chair next to you. "What the hell, Dunbar?" Theo said, jumping up from the ground. "I'm sitting next to Brooke today, get lost, psycho." "I don't want you sitting me next to you either, Liam." you said, looking down. "Well, too bad," he said, sitting in the chair. "Look Brooke, I know that no apology will ever, ever, fix what I did, going after Scott like that. I know that," he spoke quietly, so that Theo couldn't hear now, "Scott isn't dead. But I'm sorry for hurting him, for hurting... you," he looked down and then into your eyes, and you couldn't help but feel that connection again, as if nothing had ever gone wrong between the two of you, and that's how you knew, you needed him back. You needed to forgive him. "Liam, I-" "But wait," he interjected, "Hayden is alive." And just like that, your hopes were crushed again. "Oh, I see," you said, fully real tears starting to form. "But I realized, Brooke... I choose the wrong girl." Once again, you could feel your emotions changing and hopes rising again. But you couldn't forgive him yet, not here. "If you really want to apologize, come to my house after school." As the bell rang, you picked up your things and exited the class and continued on with your day. As you arrived home at the end of the school day, the front door was already unlocked. When you walked in Scott was fixing himself lunch. "Scott, why is he door unlocked? I thought that we decided all doors would be locked and you were going to stay upstairs." "Yeah , well, you had a visitor," he said, turning to face you, "Liam's upstairs." "Did... did you guys... talk?" you questioned. "Yeah. I forgive him, Brooke. It was all Theo, he got in his head. And... I think you should forgive him too." "I know." "He's up in your room, waiting." he said, pointing to the stairs. You nodded and headed up to your bedroom. Liam was pacing around your room when you oened the door. "Liam?" you asked, as he quickly sat on your bed. "Brooke," he began, "I know I messed up. Okay, what I did to Scott, it was-" "terrible," you finished for him. "But I forgive you. I understand that you were being controlled by Theo, hell, we were all his puppets. And I'm sorry.. for what I said to you, Liam, I just thought Scott was gone but still I am so, sorry, Liam," you said beginning to cry. "No, Brooke, don't cry," Liam said placing his hand on our cheek, "Brooke, what I did was awful, it was god awful, and I am so sorry. You had every right to say what you did, especially after everything I did to you, not just Scott," he sat down on your bed and pulled you down to sit next to him. "I am so sorry for picking Hayden over you. After I found out she was still alive, I should've felt relief, but instead I felt... disapointed, in a wicked way," he said, nervously chuckling and scratching the back of his neck. "Because when she died, I felt like I might of had a chance to fix things...with you. I choose the wrong girl, Brooke. And I will do anything to fix tings with you." A smile grew as wide as ever on your face. "What?" Liam chuckled. "That is just what I wanted to here, Liam." "Good." He said leaning in, kissing you. Missing Liam was like craving him, and this kiss was giving you everything you needed, everything you missed. "God, I missed you," you said, straddling his lap, and elongating the kiss. He pulled at the edges of your shirt and pulled it above your head. He stared at you as if you were the stars in the sky. He brushed at the straps of your peach, lace, bralet with his thumbs and kissed on your collarbones. "Brooke, I have to tell you something," he said, detaching his lips from your skin. "What?" you asked him, cupping his face in your hands. "I love you, Brooke." "I love you too, Liam. And I want to be with you tonight, fully, with you." "Are you sure?" He asked. "Positive." Your lips interlocked once more and you spent the rest of your night in the arms of the boy you loved, Liam Dunbar. Even though your world was still in havoc, you still had Liam. You still had your breathe of fresh air, or the smell of rain. 

                                                                                                                              The End 

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