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By the second week of school, the whole pack was pretty much exhausted. You decided to take advantage of the relaxed atmosphere, and planned a pack trip to the beach. "Okay, so just meet at North Beach," Scott asked you, handing a bike helmet to Kira. "Yeah, we'll meet you up there." "Okay, cool." You turned away to walk to Stiles' Jeep when Scott grabbed your wrist. "Liam told me Theo came over to the house the other night." You stared at him, waiting for him to continue. "And?" "Don't do it." "Do what?" "Fall for him. I know you used to really like him." "Yeah, in like the sixth grade. I think I'm good." "Brooke. I just.. it would hurt Stiles. And Liam." "Okay, I get Liam. But Stiles? Why on earth would it hurt Stiles?" "Because you guys are so close and he hates this guy. It would be like a betrayal." "Okay, Scotty-poo. I promise I won't mess with Theo." "Okay, Brooklyn." Scott laughed. He called you Brooklyn when he was giving me big brother advice; which was more often than not.  You walked over to Stiles' Jeep to get in but Malia  beat you to it. "Actually, we decided you're riding with Lydia. Sorry," Malia said closing the door to the passenger side. "Wait, what?" Stiles protested. "Yeah, there's room back here," Liam seconded. "No, guys. It's okay. I could use some Lydia time. And there's not room back there, hey mason!" "Hey," he replied. As you turned away to walk to Lydia's car you heard Liam say, "What the hell malia?"
You opened the door to Lydia's car, and got a slight headache. "Ahhh," you said, grabbing your head and taking a seat in the car. "You okay?" Lydia asked. "Yeah, I just have a little headache. But let's go to the beach!"
As you pulled in to the parking space at the beach, your headache seemed to worsen. "Oh my god, my head is killing me," you said, exiting the car. "Are you Okay?" Scott asked you pulling up next to you. "Yeah, I'm alright just a headache." Scott placed his hand on yours shoulder, "Are you sure?" He said. "Yes, Scotty-poo. C'mon, let's go." You said to him, grabbing your beach bag from Lydia's trunk. As you walked side by side with Lydia in the sand, Liam and Mason ran past you, throwing their shirts in the sand and running into the water. You couldn't help but admire Liam. He definitely filled out over the summer. "Woah, somebody grew up." Lydia said, also staring at Liam. "Hey now," you said jokingly, "I have dibs." "Oh I am done with high school boys forever. Like for-ev-er." "Yeah, Okay." You said laughing at her. You knew that Lydia had a place in her heart for Stiles, even if she wouldn't admit it. You laid your beach towel out and got out your tanning oil. "Brooke! Are you coming in?" Liam yelled for you. "Yeah, just a sec!" You yelled back. You took your black coverup dress off and revealed your lilac purple bikini. "Hey Lyds, can you get my back?" Lydia took the bottle from your hands and began applying the oil on your back. "So do you see, like, real boyfriend potential in Liam?" Lydia asked. "Yeah, i think so. I really do like him. That's why I'm kinda getting annoyed that Scott is scared I'm going to fall for Theo." As you spoke you noticed my headache turn into a rhythmic pounding. "Ah, jesus fuck." You almost yelled as you stumbled. "Woah, Brooke. What's going on?" Scott ran over to help. All of the sudden you felt like you needed to be in the water. "Take me.. to the.. water.. please," you said panting. "What?!" Scott asked. "Water!" You screamed. You expected for your statement to come out as a scream, but instead your voice sounded angelic. As you felt the water rush over your feet, you became steady again. "Okay, okay i think I'm alright," you said, removing you arms from Scott and Lydia's hold. At this point the whole pack was watching you being carried into the water. You walked further in and felt more like yourself. "Alright I'm good now. Who wants to play chicken?" You said laughing. "Brooke are you sure you're okay?" Stiles asked. "Yeah, probably just dehydrated or something. Cmon!" Everyone hesitantly entered the water and started swimming and enjoying themselves. Stiles and Malia swam out a bit further than everyone and started making out. "Ah, what a beautiful declaration of love." You said the Lydia. Stiles responded by flipping you off. You smiled, and returned the favor. "Okay, Liam! You are my partner for chicken. Kira you get on Scott's shoulders. Let's do this." Liam looked at you and smiled. "What little Liam?" You asked him, giggling. "You're beautiful," he replied "beautiful." You smiled at him and said, "thank you. Now go underwater until I say get up!" Liam went underwater and you climbed on his shoulders, when you were secure, you tapped on his head, letting him know to come up. "Alright Kira, don't go easy on her, kick her ass." Scott said. "As if she could," you said, "let's go Scott!" As Scott and Liam moved closer to each other, Scott started saying something, "You look so beautiful." "What?" "You look so pretty.." "Is this some kind of fighting tactic.. what is going on?" "You're just so pretty... Wait what's happening?" "Yeah I don't know either. Hey Liam put me down." As Liam removed you and Scott removed Kira from their shoulders Scott said, "I don't know, for a second I was like, in a trance." Lydia had made her way over to you four along with Mason. "So, your headache went away when you finally got in water, and when you directed your speech to Scott, he nearly fell in love with you. Brooke, scream." "What?" "Just scream." Lydia repeated. At this point, Stiles and Malia had swam over as well. "Why is she screaming?" Stiles asked. "Just scream!" Lydia yelled. With all the questioning, and demanding, you hadn't noticed Liam go behind you. He grabbed you by the sides which made you jump... and scream. "Ahhhhhhh! What the hell Liam?" As you look around Liam, Scott, and Stiles, were all staring at you like you were a goddess. "Uh, What the hell is happening??" You asked Lydia. "Sing," she said. "What?" "Oh god dammit, would you just sing. Jesus." "Okay, okay," you started singing the only tune you knew that felt appropriate, the tune Ariel sings when Ursula takes her voice. "Ahahahhhh, ahahahhhh,ahahahhh,ahahahhhh." As you looked around, you noticed Liam, Stiles and Scott, were in the process of passing out. Considering you were in the middle of the ocean, that was a problem. "Oh, oh god." You said grabbing Liam, as Lydia grabbed stiles and Malia and Kira, Scott. You all pulled them out to the beach, and laid them on the sand. "So, What the hell is happening?" Malia said. "I think Brooke is a siren. I read about it when i was helping Parish find out what he was. If anyone has a general attraction to you, when yo u speak to them, they fall under your spell." "Okay, but why hasn't it happened before? I've talked to all 3 of them before but this has never happened." "It's the water. It triggers it." "C'mon. Get these guys in the cars. We're going to Deaton's. I want some confirmation." You stated.

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