Chapter 11

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I'm changing the days I upload this. It's now going to be updated on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. I'm sorry if that's confusing, I just want the gaps between each chapter to be shorter. Thank you for reading this book<3

Dan decided against messaging Phil anymore. He wanted to be with Ethan and he didn't want to upset his boyfriend by contacting someone who didn't even care about him. He went as far as to not look at the other in school, scared that he might soften up if he looked into Phil's eyes.

Dan even stayed clear of the library, just in case Phil still sat in there. Instead, he sat in an empty classroom on his own, eating the sandwich that Alice kindly made for him every morning. He ate it whilst having his earphones in his ears, listening to a band that Ethan had introduced him to: Green Day. He really liked their music.

He walked into his Maths class, earphones still in his ears. He was currently listening to 21 Guns as that was one of his new favourite songs. The teacher immediately handed out sheets of homework which Dan grimaced at, realising he didn't understand it at all. It was trigonometry which he had always struggled with. Maybe Ethan could help him. If Phil was still his friend, he would help...

He took the sheet and shoved it into his book, frowning slightly.


Dan pulled out the Maths homework, showing it to Ethan. "You need help?" He asked, making Dan nod in response. Ethan then scanned the sheet quickly before sighing. "Maths is boring. I know something more fun we could do."

Dan glanced at the sheet, frowning. He murmured out, "D-Due tomorrow." Ethan rolled his eyes, making Dan gulp slightly. He really didn't want to get in trouble. What if it made Alice angry at him?

"Do you usually hand in homework?" He nodded slowly. "Then you'll be fine. Come here." Dan gently placed the worksheet back into his backpack before leaning closer to Ethan. He could feel the other boy's breath against his face before he connected their lips. Ethan's arms were then wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer.

"E-Ethan?" Dan mumbled as he backed away from his boyfriend.


"I-I..." Ethan raised an eyebrow, encouraging Dan to carry on. "I think I-I love y-you."

Ethan's eyes widened before he responded, "I love you too, Dan." Then they were kissing again. "Do you want to watch another movie? I just got the new Star Wars movie?" Dan nodded with a small smile on his face.


"Dan, homework?" The teacher held out her hand to collect the piece of paper but Dan shook his head. "You haven't got it?" He shook his head again. "Detention after school." Dan's face dropped as he felt panic arise in his chest for the first time in a while. His whole body began trembling and his breaths were getting shorter and more frantic. "You're a good kid, I don't expect this to happen again."

The teacher walked away, oblivious of Dan's panic. He just sat there, tears welling up in his eyes as he realised that Alice probably wasn't going to be too happy with him. He took his phone out under the table and he texted Ethan, his fingers trembling.

Dan: I got a detention because of the maths homework :/

Ethan: Really? I'm sorry, it's my fault

Dan: It's okay... Could you tell Alice though? You know, when you get home from school?

Ethan: Of course

Dan: Thanks

Ethan: Next time I'll help you with your homework instead of making you watch a movie with me

Dan: You didn't make me watch it so it's okay

Dan: See you later

Ethan: Yep, when does your detention end though?

Dan: Four

Ethan: I'll see if Alice will let me come with her when she picks you up :P

Dan: Yay ^-^

"Daniel." Dan heard someone say his name so he looked up to see the teacher holding out her hand. Dan was a bit confused for a moment before realising she had noticed the phone in his hands. He solemnly handed the device over, wincing when it vibrated in the teacher's hand. "I'll see you after class."

Dan didn't notice that Phil was staring at him with a curious expression on his face.


"This isn't like you at all. We're aware of your... issues at home but you've never been like this before? You've always handed homework in on time and you've never used your phone in class before." The teacher said, sitting down on her desk as she looked at Dan with a disappointed expression on her face. Dan just shrugged as a response. "Do you need to talk to someone?"

Dan would have asked about what? But he didn't have a voice in school. Plus, his teacher went on to explain anyway.

"Are you feeling depressed? The school can arrange to get someone for you to speak to if you need. This isn't you. I really don't want to see you become rebellious so you need to stop now, before it escalates into something worse."

Dan was fiddling with his hands as he shook his head. The teacher frowned, sending Dan a sympathetic look. "You can go now but I will still see you after school for your detention."


Dan didn't belong in detention. He glanced around to see all sorts of characters. There was the girl who always talked back and her boyfriend who was always way too busy whispering things in her ear to ever pay attention. Then there was the group of kids who everyone called 'emo' because of their masses of piercings and love for the colour black. Dan smiled softly to himself as he realised that they kind of reminded him of Ethan, even though Ethan was the sweetest boy on the planet and he wasn't emo (not that there's anything wrong with being emo). Ethan did wear a lot of black and he had cool coloured hair. Also a couple of populars who just constantly talked and refused to do work.

The thirty minutes passed so slowly that Dan felt like time was going backwards rather than forwards. He just daydreamed by staring out the window and thinking about everything that was going on his life. It was strange because he found himself smiling instead of having an urge to cry.

Then the bell rang and everyone was standing up. Dan was the first out the door, practically running down the corridors to Alice and Ethan who were standing outside. He walked over to them and waved slightly.

"Ethan told me you forgot to do your Maths homework?" Alice said as they were all getting into the car. "How could you forget?" Dan just shrugged, making the group laugh slightly. "Maybe you should do homework as soon as you get home from school so you don't forget."

"That sounds like a great idea." Ethan responded for Dan with a small smirk.

Dan was just so glad that Alice wasn't angry with him for getting a detention. If anything, it seemed like she found it funny. It took a large weight off of Dan's shoulders, making him feel a lot more relaxed.

It's really awesome reading all your comments :p they make me feel evil though because of how meaaaan I am.. oh well XD

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