Chapter 21

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Dan was sitting opposite Phil at lunch when he asked out of the blue, "C-Can you tell m-me more about the g-guy you like?" Phil eagerly nodded before listing a lot of good traits that Dan didn't exactly agree with but then he started to list what he liked.

"He likes anime, Pokémon, space..." Surely enough, it was all of Dan's interests.

"You know, h-he kind of s-sounds like m-me." Dan whispered, just to see how Phil would react. Phil's eyes widened for a second before he composed himself again.

"Yeah, you two have a lot in common..." Dan couldn't even stop himself from doing what he did next: his heart had suddenly taken control. He leaned forward, across the table and he kissed his best friend.

Phil pulled back in utter shock. His eyes were wide and his mouth was opened as he looked at Dan. (PLOT TWIST IT WASN'T DAN) "You knew it was you?" Dan just nodded, his cheeks going slightly red.

"I l-like you t-too but you need to u-understand some t-things if you want u-us to work."


"We have to m-move slowly because you n-need to know it's h-hard for me. I m-might not trust y-you too much at f-first but don't be o-offended."

"That's okay." Phil was trying to hide the wide grin that was trying to break out on his face. He had never expected in a million years that Dan would give him another chance after everything had happened.

"P-Please don't shout e-either."


"A-Alice, I told Phil I-I liked him too!" Dan exclaimed as he walked into the house, grinning widely. "He was so l-lovely about it!"

"I'm sure he was. Just, if anything happens, you come straight to me, alright?" Alice was proud of Dan for trying. She had expected the boy to completely shut down but he was still putting himself out there and refusing to give up. That was amazing and it showed his true strength.



Dan was growing a lot closer to the other kids in the house which was a huge step for him. He was especially close to Dodie because they had quite a lot in common. She was very sweet and was always there for Dan so they had become good friends.

He brought out the best in Dodie too. She loved to sing and play instruments and Dan had somehow convinced her to play them to the whole family. (They weren't biological family but they considered themselves to be like a family.) She would play her ukulele and sing to everyone, brightening the mood and making everyone feel good.

Melissa was also a good friend of Dan's. They bonded over their love for anime mainly, Dan going to their room to watch some of their favourites shows. They had introduced Dan to an anime called Sword Art Online which he absolutely loved. One day, Dan had gone into their room to ask if he could borrow the second season and they were watching something else. "What's that?" Dan had asked, watching a yellow dog and a boy. He could have sworn he recognised the pair but he wasn't too sure.

"Adventure Time. It's so good, you should watch it." Melissa replied with a gentle smile. Dan recognised the title, probably because Phil had mentioned it or something at one point. "I have the first season if you want to borrow it?"

"Yeah, that sounds great. Thank you!" Melissa then walked over to their bookcase, pulling out a DVD and chucking it to Dan. Dan's eyes then glanced at a poster on Melissa's wall and he realised that he had seen the characters on the poster before.

Jack was just a very enthusiastic boy. He was forever smiling and he was always there whenever Dan wanted to play videogames with someone else. Dan was always Jack's player two which was awesome (even if Jack was so good at every game).

Instead of the game Halo bringing him horrible memories of a boy he wanted to forget, it reminded him of one of his new best friends: Jack. Jack was always joking around and his laugh was always so contagious, making Dan laugh too.

He loved his new family.

There's only one more chapter...

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