Chapter 15

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"Stop being such a sore loser!" Ethan yelled as Dan lost yet another game of Mario Kart. He was getting really angry at himself because it was always his favourite game so he was continuously frowning and grumbling. "It's just a game..."

"My f-favourite." Dan replied, his body tense as they started the next race.

"Doesn't mean you can be such a drama queen about it. You can't be good at everything." Dan ignored Ethan because the countdown had just finished.

He ended up losing the game because his thoughts were everywhere but there. Ethan was changing and he hoped that it wasn't a permanent thing. Maybe Ethan was in a bad mood and he was taking it out on Dan because Dan just happened to be there. It wasn't Ethan's fault at all.


Dan slowly approached Phil who was still sitting in the library, reading manga. Dan sat down beside him, trying not to bother him as he took out his own manga and opened it up. Phil looked up at the boy for a second, furrowing his eyebrows but not saying anything.

In all honesty, Dan really missed Phil. He missed having a best friend who he could hang out with at school. Sitting in a classroom on your own and listening to music isn't much fun after a while.


Dan: I hope it's okay if I sit in the library with you at lunch? You can tell me to go away if you want

Phil: Yeah, it's fine

Phil: It's not like you talk to me anyway


"Can I borrow that when you're done?" Phil blurted out one lunchtime, shutting his book which he had just finished. Dan looked down at the Death Note book he was holding and nodded slowly. "Death Note's my favourite. It's just so awesome, isn't it?" Dan nodded again, smiling softly because Phil was actually talking to him. "L is my favourite character although the Shinigamis are cool. What's your favourite anime?"

Dan looked around for a piece of paper but couldn't see anything so he murmured, "S-Soul Eater."

"Yeah. I like Soul Eater too. Death the Kid is the best because he's cute."

Dan nodded in agreement. "I l-like Soul t-too."

"Soul is great too! I ship him with Maka to be honest. Why aren't they dating yet?" Phil was going back to his rambling self and Dan really liked it. He really liked Phil but... he really liked Ethan.


Dan was sitting on the floor, reading Death Note again in attempts to finish it for Phil. He was almost at the end because he really wanted to give the book to Phil as soon as possible. He flipped over the page, eyes scanning the pictures and words. "What are you reading?" Ethan asked as he walked into the room, a chocolate bar in his hand.

Dan showed him the front cover for a moment, making Ethan smile softly. "Death Note is awesome." Phil called it awesome too.

Dan nodded, flipping the page again.

"Don't you want to do something with me though? I'm lonely." Ethan chucked the wrapper into the bin before taking a bite of the chocolate bar.

"F-Few more pages." Dan flipped the page.

"Unfair. You think manga is more important than your boyfriend."



Dan shoved the book in his bag as he finished reading the last page. He then sat down on the bed, beside Ethan who was moping. "I thought manga was more important than me."

Dan shook his head, wrapping his arms around him.

"Shouldn't you apologise? Where are your manners, sweetheart?"


"Sorry what?"

"Y-You're more important..."

"That's what I thought." Ethan leaned towards him and kissed his cheek.


Dan: I finished Death Note ^-^

Phil: Great!

Phil: Do you want to borrow My Hero Acacdamia?

Dan: Yeah, sure


Ethan saw Dan's phone light up whilst he was in the bathroom. He picked it up out of curiosity, reading the message.

Okay, I'll bring it in tomorrow for you

He saw who the message was from and frowned, clenching a fist at his side. Dan was still talking to Phil? He really needed to stop talking to Phil otherwise Dan might want to leave Ethan. He couldn't have that happening.

Dan wandered into the room, noticing his phone in Ethan's hands. His eyes widened and he opened his mouth to explain, "B-Borrowed his Geography b-book." He reached out to take his phone but Ethan just tightened his grip.

"Yeah? You're talking about manga. You're lying to me and you should never lie."


"He's never going to love you again, I hope you know that." Dan backed up a little as Ethan stood up, making Dan feel helpless and small. "He hates you. He only talks to you out of pity because you're so pathetic."

The tears were beginning to well up in his eyes: where had his sweet boyfriend gone? Ethan was looking at him with so much fury that he resembled Dan's parents more than himself. A fist was raised and then Dan was sent into another panic attack.

"Now you're crying? Wow. You're only meant to be with me because I'm the only person who will put up with you."

Dan looked at the floor, his whole body shaking. It was true.

"And, this?" Ethan reached into Dan's backpack, pulling out the Death Note book. "You're not giving it to Phil." He then ripped out a couple of the pages and scrunched them up.

Dan ran out of the room, sobbing. All he wanted was to be held by someone as they told him it was okay. It wasn't his fault.

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