hmm sweg

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Louis loves me? What! No this can't happen, we're bestfriends and i can't lose our friendship! He likes charlotte anyway!

"No Louis, you don't love me you love charlotte remember?"

"Lauren that was all fake, I thought it make my feelings for you go but all it done was make them bigger"

Shit! shit this isn't good, I have no idea what to say oh my god.

"Um okay Louis well I'm going to have to go now, let's talk about this later" I didn't even let him say anything I just ran off, I suddenly got out of breath and started walking, I got home and ran straight up to my room. I texted caitlin straight away and she gave me very good advice as usual. I had a few other texts, one was from Daniel my heart started beating faster, gosh I think I like Daniel. I read his text and he asked if I wanted to go to his and that keziah and caitlin were coming. I decided to go we'd probably sleep at his anyway so I tell my mum I'm sleeping at Caitlin's and pack some stuff in my bag and walk to Daniels.


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