2•Yoongis POV

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I am starting to get hella dizzy and not only is my head throbbing, but my tailbone is starting to stab me from the inside.
Jin and I had been holding hands, but when we went through the door, he stumbled and fell into Namjoon arms. They are actually really cute.
My gaze drifts to Jungkook when I hear Taehyung squeal.
"He's a bunny!" Sabrina exclaims and takes a bottle of water to my slowly waking, younger brother.
"First heat comes about a week after the ears. If you don't want kids yet, I suggest you grab a few articles of your mates clothing and make a stop at Spencer's on your way home." Amber says and I flush red at the thought.
"Awe, he's shy~" Hoseok squeaks.
I just growl and sit against the wall so that I can massage my burning scalp. 
"What made the pain go away when you went through this?" I hear Jimin ask as Hoseok moves my hands and starts massaging my head. "Where is Jinnie-hyung?" Jungkook whines, opening his eyes and looking around. My eyes dart the oldest brother in the room and my jaw drops. "Jin-hyung, you are so adorable, it isn't funny." Taehyung says and I nod in agreement. His hair was now a pale, pinkish blond with matching wolf ears, but his eyes were now a bold silver blue.
"Great. Everyone sees me as a Pomeranian." He mutters.
I would probably laugh if it weren't for the splitting pain in my head as the ears pop through the skin of my scalp. Letting out a small whine, I move so that I am no longer sitting on my butt, allowing the tail to slice through.
"Our mate is a kitten!" Jimin exclaims and wraps his arms around my shoulders, soon being copied by Hoseok. Their touch is very comforting and manages to slightly numb the pain, but I can't show weakness, so I push them off...... Only for them to jump back into the hug while cooing.
"You're purring, so now you won't be able to pretend being a bitch, we will know when you're happy." Sabrina says and my head hangs in defeat.
"Why did I get two mates?" I whine and they all chuckle.
"From what I've noticed of the four sexes(alpha, beta, gamma, omega), the kinky ones are put into a group of three by whoever decides. Tell me, Yoongi, what are your kinks?" Amber asks, doing a 'yaoi chin grab'-as Jungkook would call it- and before I can give a snarky response, the room if full of growls as Jimin and Hoseok get in front of me with glowing eyes.
"Llama, you pabo, remember how possessive you were of me before we marked eachother? Yeah, lets not see what happens when a female alpha gets into a fight with two male alphas. I am not calling my uncle to pick up more bodies this year. Or hopefully any year." Sabrina scolds and I blush a the thought of marking. They kind of hit the nail on the head with the kinky thing and biting is one of the major ones with dry orgasms, double pentatration, rough entry, or anything having to do with Algolagnia. 

This might be more fun than I thought and once my other brothers meet them, I'll probably be bed ridden for a week.
"Hyung, can we go home, please?" Jungkook asks, shakily standing up and walking-wobbling- his way to Jin and I.
"I'll take you home." Namjoon says in a creepily calm voice.
"Stop being so alpha, your mate is right there, next to his omega brothers." Amber sasses.

"What about the alpha brothers?" he growls.

"Jackson is the most protective and the only one that still lives at home. He also acts like a five year old." I state, trying to keep Jin from snapping.
"And you don't need to take us home, our parents are on their way." Jin states and stands up, him and Jungkook leaning against each other for support due to their energy being drained as their bodies start preparing for the soon to come heat.
I'm more tired than usual.


You know, I realise everything going on with my brothers as it is happening and don't notice I'm going through the same thing, even if I'm the smart one.

"They're here, let's go." Jin says and I stand up with the help of my mates.
"We should go with you three. We need to know where you live anyway because we need to drop off some clothes soon." Taehyung says, placing his hand on my baby brothers shoulder. 
"Fine. Just tail our car, but we're leaving." I grumble and grab Jins other arm, pulling him as he pulls Jungkook.
We quickly walk out and as soon as we exit the main doors, Jackson is helping us to the backseat of the car.
"Do you three know what sizes you are?" Jackson asks and all of us just look at him with confused expressions, causing him to sigh.
"Mom said I need to stop at Spencers on the way home and get each of you a vibrator and a dildo, so what sizes are you?" Jackson asks and we flush red.
How can he say that with a straight face?
"Fine, I'll guess. and the car behind us is your mates?" He questions as we pull into the mall parking lot.
"Talk to them and mom said to ask for their clothes, dirty ones would be better. I'll be back." Jackson states and  gets out. I roughly hear him tell our mates to beware before he runs into the store.
"TaeTae~" Jungkook whines when said boy opens the door. 
"Hi, Kookie." Taehyung says quietly and picks up my brother, holding him like he is a small child.
"We are going to follow you home and will be by later tonight with our clothes. What do you three want for dinner?" Hoseok asks and I simply shrug before a strong, new scent invades my nostrils.
"We read a few things in the car and you are supposed to eat three times as much before your he-Namjoon, get in the car and close the doors before you loose it." Jimin says and the the white haired male does so as his eyes start to glow while staring at Jin.
"How old are you three?" Taehyung asks, concerned. I am apparently the only one physically able to answer because Jin is shaking as the scent gets stronger and Jungkook seems to have fallen asleep in the arms of his mate.
"Jin is 17, I'm 16, Jungkook is 14." I state and Jimins eyes widen.
"We thought you were part of the college students. Jimin and Tae are 18, I'm 20, and Namjoon is 22." Hoseok states as Jackson hurriedly jumps into the car.
"We need to get you three home. Now. You can ride with us." He says, looking at Tae who hops into the front seat.
"I can't believe all three of you found your mate on the same day. BEFORE I FOUND MINE!" Jackson states, growling the end, making Jungkook whimper in his mates lap.
"Why is Jins scent getting stronger and sweeter?" Jackson questions worriedly before taking a cautious glance behind him. Groaning in frustration at the sight, the speed accelerates.
"You should meet my brother Mark. He said the same thing when we called him in the car." Taehyung says.
"Is he as gay as my family?" Jackson questions and I reply.
"Everyone is gay until proven straight."

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