26- Third

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1 Week Later

"I am never getting pregnant again." Jungkook grumbles, nuzzling into his nest as Jin and Mark finish wipping off the reminants of his post birth heat. "Well, at least you'll get to see Taehyung again. He will be here in about an hour, so take your birth control." Heechul says, stepping into the room with a tablet pack. "Dad, your back!" Jin says and Jungkook adds, "And pregnant!"
"Yes, I am. The cravings have been plenty of proof." Heechul mutters, remembering Hanis face when he asked for peanut butter sauced noodles with watermelon and chocolate chips in it. "Well, this house is going to need more extentions within the next couple of years....Months. Who votes Jungkooks bunny DNA will rival with the birth control and he gets pregnant anyway?" Hani questions stepping into the room with a bright grin and plate of food for the nursing bunny hybrid that is nursing seven babies. "Thanks, mom. But I refuse to let him near me without his pants on for the next year." Jungkook growls and panics when his single boy, Jonghyun starts to cry, "Um, I haven't been sane for the first week of their birth, what do I do?" Jungkook asks and Jin chuckles, "Move him to the other nipple. He is the smallest and eats the most. So while the girls only require one, he requires two."
Jungkook gently does aas he was instructed and winces at the small boy latching. "Okay, now that you know how to do that, I can hear Taehyung, which means he woke up faster and is probably in alpha rage protect mate and pups mode. So bye, love you, eat." Hani says, placing the plate infront of her sons nest and pulling everyone out, barely missing getting hit with the bulldozer that is angry Taehyung.
"Well, okay. . . Who wants cake?"

Okay, this story is coming to an end, mainly due to this book was an expiremant to see how I would do writing in different POV's and if I would be alright writing about BTS(Which I am confident in because it has more reads that my now deleted BTS book(DM me if you want to know why I trashed it)). Maybe two or three more chapters before I move over to finish Unique Love and then start publishing I Will Not, which is the gang au that I had mentioned in earlier notes. So please, vote, comment, I have finished testing and am out for the summer and my surgery is in a week, so I will have plenty of downtime to write when I am off anesthesia. Until next, goodbye.

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