5•Jungkook POV

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"Our brothers are mates?" I question and Taehyung nods, placing a light kiss in the crook of my neck.
"Hyung, your mate doesn't know your name." I state and Jackson cheeks flush pink before he turns Mark to face him.
"Hi, I'm Jackson!" He says and I facepalm.
"Okay, here is the situation. Jin, Yoongi, and Jungkooks rooms are the only soundproof rooms in the house, other than ours, so you two will have to reside elsewhere for your heat week."  Heechul states and Mark calmly nods with a large smile.
He is very cute.
"Since Taehyung will not be leaving Jungkooks side for a while, we will be able to go to my apartment." Mark says and I smile at how cute they are.
"Jungkook, go eat. You'll get really sick after your heat if you don't eat a lot, trust me, I speak from experience." Mark says and I nod before glancing at a sleeping Yoongi.
"Did you guys get lamb skewers?" I ask, looking at Jimin and Hoseok who furrow their eyebrows and shake their heads no.
"We did, they're warmed up, so go grab them and wake up your brother." Jinyoung says with a soft smile.
He used to want kids really bad, but he accepted that he wouldn't have any that share his blood and took up the part of being another parent for us when he joined the family.

I walk back into the living room with a plate of the steaming lamb sticks and move to stand in front of Yoongi and his mates.
I just stand there for a few seconds before Yoongis nose twitches  and one of his eyes open to see me grinning while holding a plate of his favourite food.
"Is it poisoned?" He questions groggily and I giggle.
"I'm the Angel of the family, why would I do such a thing?" I question and put the plate in his lap.
"Were Jackson or Yugyeom left alone with these?" He questions and said boys grin evily.
"No, I made them, you're safe from their frequent food pranks." Jinyoung states and Yoongi visibly relaxes before taking one and leaning against Jimin and Hoseoks chests. It's amazing how fast he warmed up to them, he usually growls at anybody he feels a connection to and ignores the ones he doesn't.
"Want anything?" I question and walk into the kitchen after hearing multiple no thank yous'.
The only food on my mind right now is cake, so I sift through the fridge until finally giving up.
"I'm not really hungry anyway..." I mumble and turn to walk out, only to be faced by Yoongi.
"Are you going through another spell?" He questions. I tend to go through random spells of having absolutely no appetite unless it is cake and/or pizza.
"The only thing on my mind is cake." I groan and lay myself over a chair.
"Did you check the bags on the counter?" He questions and I quickly shuffle to un bag everything, soon finding a strawberry cake that literally has my name on it.
"Thank you Jinyoung hyung!" I yell through the door before grabbing a plate and putting about half the cake on it.
"Eat as much as you want, the bakery is awaiting my call for when they should deliver the next three."
"They know us so well." Yoongi states and walks back into the room while dragging me by my collar and releasing me at my mates side.
Taehyung simply smiles and pulls me into his lap while I continue eating and Mark looks at me with a wide smile.
"You two are so cute!" He exclaims and my eyes narrow.
"You look really familiar." I say and he shrugs before his eyes become saucers.
"Gymnastics. We were in the same rank, but different groups because of our age." He says and I nod and suddenly feel slightly wet in my lower region. I quickly finish off my cake and set the plate down before leaning against Taehyung.
"Are you okay?" He asks and I shake my head. He sniffs me and stands up, quickly leaving the room with me in his arms.
"Have fun!" Mom and dad yell and I frown.
"What are they talking about?" I ask
"You're starting to leak slick and your scent kind of went everywhere when you sat in my lap." Tae says and I nod slowly before moving to straddle his lap and nuzzle his neck.
"Okay, but why am I going into heat before Yoongi? He is older." I say and feel my pants get even more wet, making me whimper.
"Probably because he isn't accepting the fact that he is going to into heat. He is most likely fighting it instead of relaxing and letting it happen." Tae responds and sets me to the side before getting up to lock the door.
"I know your pants are starting to get uncomfortable, so go ahead and take them off." He says and my eyes widen.
"Or do you want to mark each other first?" He adds.
"Marking, I'm still not comfortable enough to be stripping in front of you." I say apologetically and he nods, sitting back on the bed and placing me back into my previous position.
I lean my head to the side, exposing my neck to him and almost instantly feel his lips on my neck, sucking all over until he gets to a really tender spot that makes me whine.
His lips don't move from that spot as continues to suck, eventually getting a loud moan to escape from my lips as his teeth sink into my flesh. You would think it would hurt, but mainly, it feels like your entire body is sun warming...... and that you're orgasming....... Because I did.
His tongue snakes out and licks over it before looking up into my eyes.
"Are you okay with taking your pants off now?" He questions and I nodd, barely hearing him as I start sweating and the slick continues to leak.  I don't even flinch when he starts pulling my pants off, only whining as his hands get very close to my penis.
I am a male omega, which means I do have a penis but I can not impregnate, only get pregnant  because I also have  a vagina.
Logic. That is definitely what I would call it, note my sarcastic italics.
I just lay down as Tae takes my shirt off as well as his clothes, though, leaving on his boxers.

"I make two promises. One, hands are the only thing to be used. Two, you will be able to walk after this week. And three, I love you."

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