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Why is everyone staring at me and why are Jimin and Hoseok legs crossed so tight?
"Yoongi, you need to let your heat start over willingly, or your mates are going to lose control of their ruts." Mom says and I just stare confusedly.
"You know, your mother and I sat down with all of the omega's and explained what happens, did you fall asleep during the conversation?" Dad asks.
"Probably." I respond with a shrug and go to stand up and get some cake, but growling sounds through the air and two sets of arms yank me down, causing two rock hard penises to slam against my butt cheeks. I feel the temperature in the room raise as my scent glands started to swell and my juices started to leak on the laps of my mates.
"So his heat needed a jump start. Got it.... Third room to the right." Bambam says and I suddenly thrown onto my bed. Two growls were heard as I moan.
This is literally going to fuck me up.

1 week Later.

Every part of my body is thobbing in pain, but the thing that bothers me the most is that I am sticky with blood, sweat, and cum..... Probably saliva as well.
"Jimin, Hoseok, wake your asses up." I groan/whine.
"Good morning to you too." Jimin says and I suddenly feel a kiss on each cheek.
"Everything hurts~" I whine
"Let's get washed up and then we wil go downstairs to eat." Hoseok says and picks me up, walking to the pastel green door.
"Do you remember anything?" Jimin questions and I nod with aigh, wincing in pain as I am set on the toilet seat.
"Did I really need two marks from each of you?" I groan and gently rub my fingers over the marks on the inside of both of my thighs while looking in a mirror to stare at their names that are now tattooed on my neck.
"Probably not, but it was so much fun, And you seemed to enjoy it with your oppa and daddy kink." Hoseok states with a wink. So yesterday was the last day of my heat, so everything was fuzzy. But otherwise, I could think semi-clearly and decided to give slight hints to my kinky side.
"Let's just get clean already. The amount of sticky I feel makes me want to scream."

"You know, I could at least wobble after my heat." Dad says as Jimin carries me on his back and Hoseok steadies me from behind. I don't have enough feeling in my legs to even wrap them around his waist, so I'm just hanging around.
"You also only had one mate." I mutter.
"And I wasn't kinky." He throws back and I roll my eyes.
"Where are Jin and Jungkook?" I ask as Hoseok sits on the couch with me in his lap while Jimin goes to get food.
"Jungkook and Taehyung aren't actually mating, so they will probably be out for another day. But Jin is wallowing because Namjoon marked him so much." Mom says with a sigh and I smirk.
"Can you hand me my bag, please?" I ask and Jimin temporarily steps out of the room to grab it before handing it to me. I quickly pull out the small figurine I have been saving for blackmail with a large grin.
"JIN HYUNG, I HAVE MARIO..........87 HOSTAGE!" I yell and there are some crashes before a loud scream echos throuh the house and footsteps pound on the stairs.
"You planned this!" Jin growls while panting in the door way. Only one mark was on diplay past the turtle neck sweater he is wearing and it is right over his scent gland.
"I planned blackmail. I know your dusting schedule, so Im always prepared."
He just growls and snatchs it from my hand before slightly limping to the fridge and pulling out a bag of fried chicken.
"How did you know that was in there?" I ask as he sits on a bar stool and starts pigging out.
"I could smell it. I can also smell lamb, so your food is in the fridge as well." Jin says and mom just starts squealing.
"Mom, did you forget your medicine?" Jin and I ask at the same time and she frowns while glaring at us.
"NO, I'm going to be a grandmother!" She exclaims and wraps her arms around Jins shoulders.
"What?" Jin simply states, continuing to eat.
"Your sense of smell is so strong because you're already pregnant... Which means you have been out of heat for over two days." Dad says with a raised eyebrow and I chuckle.
"Decided to stay in for some extra dic-"
"Yoongi, that is no way to talk to your hyung." Hoseok says and I turn to glare at him.
"I'm older than you, do you really want to try that?" I respond.
"Well, you seem to see me as older, judging by my nickname~" He says and I instantly glare with a blush spread over my cheeks while Jin started whisperimg to mom and dad. The only thing I caught was,
"I think Yoongi's kinks made an appearance."

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