10- Amber POV

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"So, Sabs, who do you think is going to have the biggest litter?" I ask my mate as we make 'Congradulations!' cookies for the new boys and their mates.
"Yoongi, he is kinky and has two mates. Twins from both, why?" She responds cutely and I place a kiss on her cheek before responding.
"Jin. He is the most motherly and Namjoon got his sperm tested with the three stooges for that YouTube series. He was very potent, so I can see Jin trying to murder him because he ends up having six kids. Plus, think about the size of their animal shift. Yoongi is only a cat, his shift wouldn't be big enough for the kits to shift as well, so his body isn't likely to support many. Jin had wolf ears, which those breeds almost always six.... poor boy." I mutter.
"Poor boy? Are you speaking of Jin, or Namjoon?" She asks bending over to put the cookies in the oven.
"Both, Jin will never walk again and Namjoon with be mated to his hands." I state before pinching her arse.
I had too! It was right there!
You don't understand, so back the f off.
"Stop with your internal wars of morality. And no more of the pinching! You always talk about how you aren't ready to be a parent and that is why we haven't mated yet because you don't want to risk me getting pregnant, but if you keep making me horny, I will fuck myself on your penis." She growls with a red face and tightened legs. I can smell the arousal coming from her bruised scent glands and remember that her weekly heat is due for today.

So, when you don't mate during the first heat, there will be a weekly heat that lasts for an entire day, but it is more intense than the normal monthly one.
We have been together for over a year and I think she is done with the frequent heats that are resulted from my fear of being a bad parent.
"Fine. I won't leave the house today, but you can't get mad at me if I am a bad parent." I state and the smile I get is worth anything to come. Even if I drop our kid on their head.
"Finally!" She yells and hug tackles me. I quickly flip us so that she is on her back on the floor and my mouth is right next to her ear.
"You know, you sounded really hot when you were talking dirty~" I whisper huskily into her ear, making her shiver.
"Go lay in bed, I have to take out the cookies and put on something, but I will be in there within the next fifteen minutes. I just don't want to get interuppted by the fire department."
This is going to be one hell of a day and holy shit am I terrified.

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