Chapter 2 - Bad Mornings

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this is an x fem!reader btw - sorry :( if any of you want an x male!reader then I can do that too! <3




I lie my bed as I listen to the sound of 'Sun Is Shining' by Bob Marley, coming from the room on the other side of the baby blue wall; along with the soft and soothing voice of my twin brother, lightly singing along.

But, sometimes the sounds I hear coming from his room aren't as pure–if you catch what I'm throwing.

He's almost as bad as Jeremy.

I sigh to myself, squinting over at my open curtains, groaning as I realize that Michael has opened them. We both hate having our curtains open in the morning, so that has created a war between us–whoever wakes up first gets to open the others curtains. It's a good method to have when waking up during the school year.

Except, it's summer.

"Michael!" I screech, not wanting to get up and close the curtains myself; hoping that he will do it.

When he doesn't come, I groan and roll over on my dark sheets.

Of course he didn't come.

He hates you.

I deeply inhale and dig my nails into my palms, trying to make my obsessive and dark thoughts go away instead of letting them get the best of me.

Which they often do.

He doesn't hate me, I tell myself.

I try one more time.

"Micah!!" I desperately call, a hopeless tone in my voice.

I hear running footsteps coming to the entrance of my room and I roll back over, seeing the familiar figure of my brother.

I weakly smile as he walks over to me, recognizing that he can see my inner hurting.

He crashes down on the opposite side of the bed.

"Bad morning, huh?" He whispers, looking at me with concerned eyes.

I weakly nod, moving closer to him; burying my face in his shoulder, inhaling his fruity cologne.

"It all happened so quickly." I gasp, "I woke up and you were singing along with Sun Is Shining, which you know is one of my favorites," I sigh before continuing, "but then the sunlight from my window got me so angry and I just wanted it gone, and–" my voice cracks, "and then I called you a-and you didn't come and my thoughts just–" I can't continue, afraid that more tears with threaten to spill.

Which they do, creating a waterfall down my left temple.

"Shhhhh." Michael comforts me, "It's okay, I'm here now. I'll always be here, okay?"

"Okay." I sniff.

"Let's just get some more sleep?" He requests.

I just nod, moving my head to his chest.

I lie there, feeling more comforted and relaxed than before.

I may not have many friends, I may not have the happiest of feelings, and I may have demons.

But at least I have Michael.

At least I have Michael.

"Thanks Micah." I mumble, with my eyes finally closing, but not before I feel and hear a deep laugh coming from my twin.

The laugh becomes louder and louder, growing more demonic with every second.

I sit up and look at Michael, horrified to see that his usual soft and welcoming features are gone, only exposing dark and terrifying patches of skin.

He only laughs more once he sees my frozen expression.

His teeth turn into sharp fangs.

His eyes are washed away and replaced with two black voids.

"Do you really think that I love you?" He mocks.

I reply with only a confused and afraid whimper.

"Do you really think that I will always be there? For a bitch like you?" He taunts, enjoying the pain that I am feeling from his words.

"Y-You're not Mi-Michael." I cry.

"I may not be your brother in your eyes, but I am in his. He hates you. Loathes you. Despises you. Just you wait, Y/N. You'll see this side soon." He spits, while cocking his head, capturing me in his lifeless, black eyes.

"You're not Michael!" I scream.

He laughs louder as the room loses its light. The bright blue walls turning black; the 'demon Michael' growing bigger, trapping me in the shadows.

Now I wish the sun was here.

Let the sun come streaming in, Y/N.

It doesn't.

So I do the only thing I know how to in these moments.

I scream for Michael.

The real Michael.

"Michael!" I cry out.

I didn't make a sound.

He's laughing.

"Michael!!!" I try again. "MICHAEL, PLEASE!!"


I can't breathe.

I can't see through my tears.

Keep trying, Y/N.

"MICHAEL!" I shriek, jolting up in my bed, now realizing that it was all a nightmare.

"M-M-Michael..." I whimper out, sobbing in my bed; clutching onto my sides, gasping for the slightest bit of air.

I snap my head towards my curtains, seeing that they are still closed.

Michael is still here.

While struggling at first, I manage to get myself out of my bed, running to the opposite room, needing to see Michael.

He's not there.

I run downstairs to the kitchen, almost tripping down the stairs, not expecting to see my parents, who are on a business trip; but hoping to see my brother.

He's not here.

I see a note on the fridge, immediately recognizing my twins handwriting.

I run over to it.

Going to Jeremy's to meet his new step-bro. We are all coming over at 10:30.


Oh shit.

Evan's arriving today.

I run into the bathroom, looking in the mirror.

I'm disgusted to see my red and puffy face in the reflection–tear tracks down my face, creating sticky paths on my cheeks.

I rush back into the kitchen, hoping to have at least 10 minutes to clean myself up before I meet Evan.

I don't even make it to the clock before I hear the front door open.

I turn and look at the pathway leading to the front door.

"Oh, you're awake!" Michael says, "Evan, meet my twin sister, Y/N."

I let go of a breath I didn't know I was holding onto.




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