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I woke up with the sun burning my eyes.

I sat up, rubbed my eyes to see that I am in my room. I probably fell asleep in the car ride home last night and one of the guys must've carried me up here.

Wait. Car?

Then suddenly all came crashing to me. The beach, me being depressed, Alex yelling at me, me confessing, awkward ride home.

Oh yeah, I confessed!

Oh shit, I can't face them! I need to hide here until they it's time for them to leave.

'3 days, Sophie. You can do it. Just hide in your room for the whole day, pretend that you're sick or something.'

Right! I can pretend I'm sick, my mom won't let them in for sure.

But mom won't believe I'm sick once she saw me.

Oh shit, I have to tell my mom everything that happened yesterday.

That's fine though, we never hide anything from our mom anyway. But this is about the boys, what if she got mad at them or something?

I called my mom. "Mom, can you please come to my room asap." I asked her when she answered her phone.

"Yeah, sure honey. You want any of the boys too?" She asked.

"No! Don't tell any of the boys I'm awake!" I whispered shouting.

"What? Why? They've been worried of you since last night when you guys got back." She said.

"I'll explain when you get here, just don't tell them I'm awake nor let any of them get in here okay?" I replied.

"What are you talking about? Are we talking about the same group of guys here?" She said confused.

I know this is confusing her. I've never NOT wanted to be with the guys. As I said, we've been inseparable since diapers until we move here but that still doesn't count 'cause I was forced to move.

"Mom, just get here as soon as you can. I'll explain everything here." I said.

"Okay, okay. I'll be there in a minute."

I waited for my mom to get here.

5 minutes later, I heard the door opened and saw my mom getting in.

"Okay, explain." She said as she sat in my bed in front of me.

"Okay, you know we went to the beach yesterday right?" I asked her.

She nodded.

"Well, it doesn't go as happy as expected." I started.

"What? What happened?" She asked.

"I was too distracted the whole day and Alex noticed. He got mad and shouted at me for being selfish and not think of their feelings because he said they were trying to make me happy the whole day but I still continued being distracted and everything." I told her.

"Then?" She urged me to continue.

"Then I confessed." I said fast.

"What exactly did you confess?" She said, telling me to elaborate.

"I confessed about my feelings for them." I said not looking in her eyes.

"You like them? All of them? At the same time?" She asked but not shocked.

"Yes. Please don't judge me. I tried holding back, even tried to choose which one I like better but for some reason it hurts to even try choosing." I said trying to let her understand.

"It's fine sweetie, I understand. Go on." She urged.

"Well I confessed. But it turns out of hand. I shouted at them without any intention to do so, then I walked away before they can say anything." I said.

"Why did you leave?" She asked.

"I was scared. I am scared. What if they don't even like me? What if I ruined our friendship? What if they found their mates in Cali and are just trying to find the right time to tell me?" I answered.

"Honey," she started, holding my hand into hers. "Life is full of risks. You did your part, at least one day, if it didn't work out the way you wanted it, you can look back and say 'at least I did something.' right?" She said.

"But what if they would hate me for ruining our relationships? I can't lose them mom." I said desperately.

"Honey, look at me. Everything will work out just fine, trust me okay?" She said comforting me.

I sighed, "Okay."

"Now what do you need me to do?" She asks standing up. She knows me too well.

"Will you please tell the boys that I'm sick and they can't go in here no matter what?" I pleaded.

"Okay, but just for today okay? It's your birthday tomorrow and I won't allow you to just hide for the whole day tomorrow." She said.

"Fine. Thanks mom." I said. "And can you tell Marie to bring me some food for lunch?"

"Sure, now I need to get back down to help Marie prepare the food." She said.

"Okay, thanks mom."

The whole day I just watch some movies then surfed the internet then read some books.

Thank God I have a stacked mini fridge here in my room so I have chips and sodas.

Fortunately, none of the boys decided to go against my mom and visit me the whole day.

By 10 in the evening I decided to shower and sleep.

I drifted to sleep with a thought in my mind.

What will happen tomorrow?

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