Chapter 34

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(Continuation of Shivaay's dialogue) 

I m sorry anika..  It was my stupidity to take a decision in haste

This time anika cups Shivaay's face and places a kiss on his left cheek and then on his right cheek and then on his forehead and next kiss on his nose...

Shivaay pouts... He places his fingers on his lips

Anika - Wht

Shivaay - U didn't kissed me

Anika - Not so soon love... I wanted to know the actual reason u left me

Shivaay was shocked by Anika's question... Anika notices Shivaay being tensed... 

Anika places her hand on Shivaay's chest and rubs the place...

Anika - Shivaay

Shivaay - Hmm

Anika - Let's forget everything and whtever happend in our past... Let's think about our future

Shivaay smirks

Shivaay - Our future ... Wht about our future Anika

Anika blushes and understands wht he was indicating .. Anika draws circles on Shivaay's hands... Shivaay's hand looses his hold... He was cutely smiley looking at his lady blushing... Anika gets a chance she removes his hand and move from place... She laughs at him... Before she reaches the door... Shivaay pulls her and pins her to the wall and closes the door... Anika was gulping down her saliva... She was tensed of Shivaay's next act

Shivaay - Why arent u laughing now?  (With smirks) 

Anika - Sh-iv-aay (She stammers) 

Shivaay kisses on her collarbone... Anika moans..

Anika - Shiv

Shivaay stops kissing and looks into her eyes... He takes her hand and places where his heart his beating... She was feeling his heartbeats increasing

Shivaay - Anika u do this to me... My heart beats for you

Anika captures his lips... They kiss each other passionately and Anika hands roams in his hair bringing him closer to her... Shivaay holds her tightly by her waist... Shivaay picks her up he holds her by hips while anika places her legs around his waist... They were still kissing each other... Shivaay lays Anika on his bed... They break their kiss and Anika lay down while Shivaay's lays beside her...  He comes in top of her

Shivaay - Anika I won't touch you without your permission

Anika was about to say... Shivaay's keeps his index finger on her lips

Shivaay - shhh... Listen to me anika... I know you will give me without any pressure and in heat of moment... I don't want it... Anika I know your are virgin and I want our first time to be special in every way.... I want our first time after you become my legal wife, when I can only claim u as mine , u would be mine, I don't want others to raise questions on your morality...  I love you Anika... I love your soul... I love your body, u r mine I'll wait for the day when u will be mine completely ... If u are thinking about my virginity... I m still... I will give it to my love only

Shivaay winks at her.. Anika blushes... Shivaay pulls her cheek

Anika - Shivaay (She whines

Shivaay lies next to her

Shivaay - Anika u should know it's hard to control when u blush... I don't want to have it with you right now

Anika eyes popped out... She hits on Shivaay's chest playfully... Shivaay holds her hands and places it behind her which brings her closer to him... Anika rests her head on his chest

They hear a knock on door...

Shivaay pulls Anika towards him and Anika struggles to free herself... Soon Shivaay leaves her...  Anika looks at him before opening the door... He places his fingers on his lips Anika stares him... She opens the door... 

Anika talks with the Maid... 

Anika - Shivaay let's go for breakfast

Shivaay - Will I have sweet dish before breakfast

(Shivaay still resting on bed )

Anika - Sweet dish in your dreams

Anika runs

Shivaay - I'll get my sweet dish before breakfast Anika..
(He smirks and flips his hair) 

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