7~Feelings pt 2

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Eunhee POV.
After chatting with dianne as I ate, I found out she is actually quite fun to talked to even though there is a age gap between us and now at least I have someone to talked to in this house. Once I ate finished, Dianne took the dishes away even though I said that I wasn't necessary as I could take and washed it myself but in the end, I gave up and she could it to wash.

I walked out of diner room and decided to go to our room to watched some tv as there is a tv there. I saw Changbin talking to his gang or the people who kidnapped me but actually I am kind of grateful to them for kidnapping me and witnessing what they did if they didn't did that, I wouldn't be here with Changbin.

"OMG Eunhee what are you saying now!!!! It is getting way out of hand but I guess you have really fallen for Changbin already " I thought in my head as I walked up the stairs and to our room.

Changbin POV.
"Woah She looks so cute in her PJ" Felix said as he saw Eunhee walked up the stairs

After hearing what he said about Eunhee, I immediately glared at him and Felix looked away from my glare.

"Relax Changbin, Felix was just joking" Chan said and Felix nodded frantically

"Hyung it is already very obvious that Changbin hyung love Eunhee and he get jealous when we compliment her" Seungmin said and the rest looked at me and I looked away

"Our Changbin have finally grow up already~I feel so proud " Chan hyung said as he wiped off his non existing tears

"hyung you don't have to been that drama you know" I said

"Anyway you and Eunhee should get married sooner and have a baby, I can't wait to be an uncle " Chan hyung said and they nodded in agreement

"Hyung that's too early, we are still young" I whined

"Exactly so both of you can have more babies" Chan hyung said and I rolled my eyes

After a while later, all of them left my place and I went straight up to my room to find Eunhee sitting on the bed watching tv. I climbed into bed and pulled her towards my embrace as she watched her tv, she looked at me for a while before switching back her attention towards the tv.

After a few moments later, when I looked at Eunhee and I realised that she have fallen asleep on my chest. I was literally fanboying inside my mind, I can't believe that the girl I recently fall for, is sleeping so soundly in my embrace. I feel it that I am really falling for her deeply but I just don't know if she feel the same way as me.

I grabbed the remote control that was on the night stand and switched off the tv. I gently removed Eunhee from my chest and placing her on the bed, I then laid on the bed while wrapping my arms around her waist, bringing her closer to me. I stare at her, admiring the beautiful features of her face and while caressing her cheeks and soon I started to fall asleep with Eunhee by my side.

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