Chapter 1

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A/N) Here's a cute little New Year fic for you all in order to bring in 2018, just an idea I had based on some screenshots I was flicking through. Of course, I chose Dashton to feature in this, as with my other few Dashton-central fanfics in the past, and it is illustrated by said screenshots all the way through ;)

I hope you enjoy and Happy New Year! - Izzy

"Are you sure you'll be okay down here?"

Dashi laughed and shook her head, shooing away two of her crew members closest to her for about the third time, happening to be Kwazii and Peso. "Guys, chill. It's fine. I'll be perfectly fine. You don't have to worry."

The captain took a less-than-willing step away, then turned back, the kindly polar bear looking worried. "I would be happy to if you want us to stay with you," he said gruffly.

 "I would be happy to if you want us to stay with you," he said gruffly

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"Captain, it'll be fine. I promise." Dashi giggled. "I'll have Shellington with me, right? And Tunip. You did leave us for two weeks last year, and we didn't break anything then, or get lost. Much."

Barnacles sighed and gave a chuckle. "Okay. It's just, I don't want you to feel like you're missing out on anything up there."

"I've already promised Dashi that I'll video every second of it," Tweak chimed in.

"That's right. And we'll have a great day, getting some work done and eating far too many kelp cakes from Vegibot down here," Shellington agreed.

The Vegibot gave an affirmative chitter, to which Tunip looked delighted and patted its head fondly.

Dashi smiled as brightly as she could. "See? Perfectly happy. Now go. Inkling and the rest of the Vegimals will be wondering where you've got to. And you've got some fireworks to prepare, don't forget."

Barnacles still didn't look completely happy about it, but they made their goodbyes and Barnacles, Kwazii, Peso and Tweak left through the large bottom hatch, soon appearing in the window of the Gup A and taking off their deep sea suits which were required to withstand the pressure and the cold all the way down here. Dashi and Shellington stood at the window, waving cheerfully. "See you tomorrow morning," Barnacles said through comms, the signal slightly rustling from the depth of the ocean that they were at. "Call us if you need anything."

"Bye!" Dashi called, waving madly as the Gup A engaged its propeller and drifted away from the window, heading straight up into the blackness beyond towards a distant rocky edge that signalled the end of the chasm that their station squatted at the foot of.

"Bye!" Dashi called, waving madly as the Gup A engaged its propeller and drifted away from the window, heading straight up into the blackness beyond towards a distant rocky edge that signalled the end of the chasm that their station squatted at th...

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