chapter twenty-seven

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"So, this is where you live," Rosie said as the two of them turned the corner on to Watery Lane. The street was lightly lit in the January evening. It was silent, just like her own home that was surrounded by green fields and flowers. Even though Rosie lived in Small Heath, she had never travelled into the subordinate parts of the town. She had always stayed in the suburbs and had never ventured any further, that was until she met Tommy. "I rather like it. There's some mysterious about these streets."

"You don't have to lie to me, Rosie. I know that I live in a shit-hole and it's nothing compared to where you live. Still, I like it around here but it's all I have ever known. Used to spend every single day running up and down these streets with Arthur and John or we would sneak up on Ada who was courting one of the boys from her school."

Rosie sighed before placing her hand on Tommy's arm. "Tommy, I am in love with you and not with the amount of money you have, what you do for a living or where you live." Rosie leaned up and quickly pecked Tommy on the cheek as the car came to a stop. "And for your information, I do actually like it around here, I'm not lying to you. Sure, it's not the nicest of places to live but at least you're not alone. Living up in the countryside can get extremely boring, especially when you are the only child and your parents are more focused on their business."

Tommy let out a sigh of relief, for some reason, he expected Rosie to stick her nose up at the place where he had grown up, before opening his car door and running to the other side to open Rosie's.

"You didn't have to do that," she said with a gentle chuckle but allowed herself to take Tommy' s hand in her own.

"I'm only being a gentleman, Rosie."

"Gosh, it's freezing out here."

"It's the middle of January, what do you expect? Let's get you inside and I'll make you a cup of tea."

"Cup of tea?" Rosie scoffed. "I want something stronger than that, Thomas. Give me a whiskey, that's what you're always drinking, am I right?"

Tommy laughed before unlocking the front door to his house. Luckily, everyone had gone away to the countryside for the weekend and after making up a list of excuses, Tommy had managed to get out of going on the trip that would only result in the family coming home earlier than planned because of stupid arguments.

"You don't drink, Rosie. You won't know your limits. One minute you will be fine and the next, I will be carrying you up the stairs as you babble a load of rubbish to yourself," Tommy said but it didn't stop him from walking over to the drink cabinets to pour him and Rosie a glass of whiskey. "Only one. I actually want to speak to you tonight."

"When has that ever stopped anyone? You don't drink to be bored, do you?" Rosie looked over her shoulder and raised one eyebrow at Tommy who was eyeing Rosie up with curiosity. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

Tommy shrugged as he watched Rosie take off her coat. "I'd just like to know where my sweet and innocent girlfriend has disappeared to. The new year has changed you, my love."

"It's 1914, Tommy. It's a new year for the both of us. Soon, we can tell everyone that we are in love. This is going to be our year, Tommy. A happy one, full of fun and laughter." Rosie walked over and wrapped her arms around Tommy's waist before leaning back slightly so she could look up at him. "Just me and you, ain't it? You see, 1914 better watch out because me and you are about to become the power couple of Birmingham."

Tommy tilted his head to the side before chuckling. "Have you seen John and Martha? I think them two are the power couple of Birmingham. However, I do like a challenge and I reckon we could knock them off the top. That's if you don't get bored of me and do a runner."

Rosie grabbed the drink from the table before downing it in one. "And why on earth would I do that?"

"Maybe you will get bored of me and find some other handsome man. We don't know what's going to happen in the future."

Rosie opened her mouth in shock before shaking her head. "You are one weird man sometimes, Tommy. I don't want anybody else, I only want you." Rosie finished the statement with a poke to Tommy's chest which finally made a smile rise onto his face. "You are better than any man I have ever been with and definitely the most handsome."


"Oh, yeah. Nobody in the world has features like you, Mr. Shelby. I'm sure all of the women in Small Heath will become jealous of me when we come clean about our relationship." Rosie paused before sliding Tommy's coat and waist-coat off. "Can I confess something to you, Tommy?" Rosie asked as she looked at Tommy, her eyes wide and clouded with desire.

"You can confess whatever you want to me, darling. However, if it's something bad then I would rather not know."

"Nothing bad, at least I don't think so. I only had that drink because I needed a bit of Dutch courage. When I found out that your family were going to be away, I made plans for us." While Rosie spoke, her hands and fingers were moving too slowly undo the buttons on Tommy's shirt. When a bit of his skin was revealed, she pressed her palm against the smooth and warm skin – her own cold hand startling Tommy for a second. "I thought that maybe, if you wanted to of course, we could go upstairs."

"Are you trying to seduce me, Miss. Mason?" Tommy placed his hand over Rosie's and stopped her movements, panicking Rosie for a second. "All you had to do was ask, love."

Rosie giggled before grabbing hold of Tommy's hand, silently waiting for him to down his drink before running up the stairs to enjoy their first night together.


Authors note: Some pre-war Rosie and Tommy because why the hell not. Please vote, comment and follow. Also, I can't remember if I mentioned this on the last chapter and I can't be bothered to check but I have a new Michael Gray fic on my profile so it would be really cool if you checked that out. Thank you. 

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