chapter thirty.

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  Rosie didn't expect a welcome home get-together, but she expected to arrive back home with at least someone in sight and to not be met with complete and utter silence. The betting shop was vacant, signalling that it had been closed for the day which was unusual. Papers were placed on the desk, along with a few pencils and coins, showing that everyone had left in a hurry for some reason. Rosie didn't know why, and she predicted that she never would know but it was for the best, she wanted to distance herself from the illegal and dangerous side of the business. Rosie was back in Birmingham to help Tommy and the rest of the family with their emotional states, not to go around shooting people. She had a feeling that the hurry to leave was something to do with the Italians but like always, she disregarded the thought and placed her suitcase on the ground as she walked through the betting shop. A battered football was near one of the tables, which nearly sent Rosie flying, leaving her to curse Finn's name out loud.

"What's our Finn done?" Polly asked, her footsteps echoing throughout the house.

Rosie turned around and watched as Polly entered the back room of the house where the illegal activity took place. There was something different about the older woman; something Rosie couldn't put her finger on. Polly was a proud woman, who took pride in herself and appearance, but from the looks of things, she hadn't changed or bathed in a few days. Underneath her eyes were swelled up, signalling a lack of sleep and her hair was a curled mess.

"He keeps leaving that bastard football around the house and if he's not careful, someone's going to break their necks," Rosie replied as she looked at Polly with concern. Rosie kicked the football away into the corner of the room and gestured with her head for Polly to sit down at the table, so she could relax.

Polly looked at the ground uncomfortably as she tried to ignore Rosie's gaze. None of the other boys had picked up on Polly's lack of responsiveness, they had all been too invested in Arthur and the business. From the way that Rosie was looking at her, she knew that Rosie had clocked onto something and Polly prayed that she wouldn't have to speak the words to Rosie or anybody else. What had happened at the police station was embarrassing and shameful for Polly, she did not want to speak about the ordeal to anybody.

"Has something happened?" Rosie asked. It wasn't meant to be an intrusive question; more a caring one. Even though they had not got along at the start, Rosie had found herself going to Polly for advice whenever she was up in Birmingham. Polly was the only woman in Birmingham that Rosie knew, most of her time had been spent with men. In that moment, it was clear to Rosie that Polly needed a friend and Rosie was determined to be that friend, even if Polly didn't want it. There was only so much that Rosie could do and going to Tommy about Polly's off behaviour was not one of those options. She would never forgive herself for it.

Polly shook her head and gripped onto of the chairs. "Everything is fine, love. I am fine, everything is fine. Why are you back?"

"Apparently everything has gone to shit, and I thought that you lot might need some extra hands. Race season is coming up, isn't it? I don't expect to get involved with all of that business but if you need help with Finn and getting him to school then I am always here."

Polly laughed before raising her head to look at the ceiling. "Yeah, everything is going to fucking shit. However, helping out with Finn would be amazing. I am fed up of him coming home with letters because his attendance is shocking. Keep telling John to have a word with him but he has his own kids that arent't going to school so." She shook her head a few times as she finished her mini rant before looking at Rosie. "I don't know where Tommy is if that's going to be your next question. In fact, I don't know where any of the boys are."

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