chapter thirty-one

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What started off as an ordinary day for Rosie soon turned into one of the worst days of her life; a series of events that lead to nothing but heart break and a feeling of being used by the time bedtime came around. Tommy remained reassured and collected on the outside for most of the time, as the truth of his lies got exposed to the public, including his friends, family and work mates but as time went on, Rosie got subjected to the anger that he usually kept hidden for his enemies.

As Rosie walked down the long street, her feet guiding her towards the market place area that popped up every Thursday and Saturday, there was something wrong, she could sense this. It had been a perfect morning; tucked up in the bed with Tommy, the two of them discussing the future and what they would do once the Italian's backed away - this included marriage and children. This was after she had quickly dropped Finn off at school which involved Rosie practically having to drag the teenage boy and ignore his statements about how 'he was a Shelby, he didn't need an education'.

The sight of the market stall that Rosie wanted came into view and she quickly grabbed the shopping list out of her coat pocket that Polly had thrown into her hands seconds before she had left the house. Polly's mood had not changed much since Rosie's surprise arrival back in Small Heath, she was still quiet and distant, but nobody noticed, only Rosie. The issue was bound to come out sooner or later and would either resolve itself or end with someone badly hurt; she just hoped that it wouldn't be Polly who was severely wounded.

"Can I have a dozen apples and half a dozen oranges please?"

As Rosie waited for the women to get her order, she thought back to the last time she was at this market. It was one of the first times that she had seen Tommy - apart from at the brothel - since the War. She remembered that as she walked away, snubbing his bothersome calls that made her heart burst, thinking about his beauty and how he was still the same man that she had fell in love with all those years ago. She couldn't imagine herself with anybody else now. Tommy had been a blessing to her and to lose him would possibly break her.

"Your order is waiting for you."

After coming to this stall since arriving in Small Heath in 1919, Rosie was able to recognise the voice of the older woman who served the people of Birmingham. The Irish accent that told Rosie about her order sounded horribly familiar and she felt sick to her stomach as she turned around to see Inspector Campbell stood with a smirk.

"In fact, let me get these for you." Campbell barged his way in front of Rosie and handed some money to the woman behind the wooden desk that held the fruit and veg. A look of fear was in Rosie's eyes as she grabbed the fruit and walked away, only to be followed by Campbell who, for a limping man, was quick on his feet and soon beside Rosie. "How are you?"

Rosie ignored him, just like she ignored Tommy when he first followed her from the market.

"I hear that you and Mr. Shelby are doing well in your new life together. The club down in London, the business up here and whatever else you Shelby's get up too," Campbell continued, causing Rosie to roll her eyes. "I spoke to somebody the other day and you might be interested in hearing about what they had to say, especially when it involves that man that you supposedly love."

Rosie's curiosity peaked up at Campbell's comments. "Go on then, tell me."

"The love of your life, Tommy Shelby. The man of your dreams, Tommy Shelby."

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