chapter twenty-eight

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"Do you have to go back to London?" Tommy asked as he placed his hands-on Rosie's waist. The week had gone to quick in Tommy's eyes and he was desperate to keep Rosie at home, but she was adamant that she was going back to London. "I mean, I could get somebody to sort out the other club for a week and I'm sure that Lauren would be able to handle it. I'm still hearing that she's one of the best workers down there."

Rosie looked up at Tommy before shaking her head. "I said that I would sort this club out for us and so far, I've done almost nothing."

"That's a lie and you know it," he replied with stern eyes. "You cleaned the place up, organised the events, sorted out the orders, employed the dancers. The list is endless."

Rosie tried not to smile in glee at the praise, but she couldn't help it. "I suppose so. I can't just leave all the dancers to sort things out on their own. Anyway, I haven't performed in over a week now and I am dying to get those heels on. Why don't you want me to go?"

Tommy didn't know how to respond without lying. He feared for Rosie's safety, especially after Campbell's threat. In the privacy of his office, Tommy had made several phone calls to the Lee brothers and other members of the peaky blinders, ordering them down to London immediately so they could keep an eye on Rosie until Tommy himself could get back down there. He had even gone as far as to make sure that there was somebody on the train ride with her, just in case Campbell had decided to be a sneaky bastard. Tommy was one hundred percent sure that Rosie wouldn't get hurt but it didn't stop him from panicking every time she left the house on her own or when she didn't arrive back when she was supposed to.

"I'm just going to miss you."

Rosie exhaled softly before tilting her head to the side and reaching up to place on hand on his chin. "You'll be down in London in a couple of weeks and it will go extremely quick, just like last time. Anyways, if you miss me that much then you can always call me as long as it's before eleven in the morning or after midnight."

There was an absent look on Tommy's face as he peered down at Rosie. There was something going on with him, everyone could see it. Since his meeting with Campbell, that Rosie had promised to keep a secret, Tommy no longer confided in Rosie and told her about his troubles. After spending more and more time together, Rosie had believed that they were past the stage of keeping things from each other, especially after their first journey down to London on the boat.

"Yeah, I'll sort something out. Are you sure that you'll be okay on your own? I'd send Arthur back down with you but he's not in the right frame of the mind."

"Tommy." Rosie said his name in a warning voice, one that he had not heard since their argument in the car. "I am a grown woman, alright? I will be completely fine. Arthur kitted the club out with guns when he was sober one time and I always sleep with a knife next to the bed. If anything happens then I will ring you straight away."

It was usual for Tommy to be worried about Rosie's safety because of the men and business that he involved himself with, but he had never been this protective. Rosie patted him on the arm before leaning up to give him a quick kiss - Tommy was not the biggest fan of public display of affection.

"Right, right," he repeated before coughing awkwardly. "I'll see you in a couple of weeks then, I guess." Rosie smiled before picking up her suitcase. "You'll ring me, won't you? As soon as you get to the house, I want you to go straight to the phone and ring me. I'll be waiting, I promise."

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