chapter twenty-nine

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The sight of John Shelby early one morning was a wonderful sight in many different ways. Rosie had been missing home, terribly. Of course, she had been missing Tommy more than anything else, and she had nobody in London apart from Lauren and the dancers to keep her company. With Arthur back in Birmingham, she felt as lonely as ever and desired Tommy's touch but Rosie had to remember that the club needed her more than ever, especially as multiple Italians had been caught at the bar – they were swiftly kicked out. The only men that she ever spoke to were at the bar or when they hurled sexual remarks at while she was dancing which only meant that they ended up on the street and barred from the club, just like the Italians.

"If it isn't John Shelby, what a pleasure it is," Rosie said as she wiped some glasses and placed them under the bar, ready for the night ahead. "Are you here alone?" John made a noise of acknowledgement before sitting down at one of the bar stools. "What do you want?"

John nodded towards the bottles of alcohol behind Rosie. "Just want a fucking drink if I'm being honest with you. I don't care if it tastes like piss, just please get me one," he grumbled as he grabbed a cigarette from his coat pocket. "I'd offer you one but this is my last."

"No, it's fine. You sound fed up," Rosie pointed out as she handed him the full bottle. Tiredness was apparent in his features, his once youthful look slowly vanishing because of the demands that came with the business. Rosie gave him a soft smile before leaning on the bar, waiting for his answer.

After a large drink, he responded bluntly. "I am fed up."

"About?" It was odd to see John look so sad; she was used to hear his contagious laugh throughout the brothel on a Friday night.

"Tommy has sent me down here to do some business and I just can't be bothered. It's our Katie's birthday in a couple of days and I'm here blowing up people's houses for him." John scoffed and shook his head. "Shit," he whispered, to himself, when he realised that he shouldn't have said anything.

"What do you mean blowing places up? What has he done, John? What has he got himself into?" Rosie questioned, a part of her was starting to panic but this was Tommy, he always got himself into trouble.

"He's done nothing, it's just me that has to do all of the dirty work. Arthur and Michael were in prison, Tommy is constantly stressed out and shouting, Polly is constantly crying and won't talk to anyone." John continued to ramble, but Rosie couldn't listen, she was too in shock.

Rosie stood up and walked to grab herself a drink as she tried to digest the information. "I've been gone two fucking weeks, and this is what happens."

"Welcome to the fucking family." John downed the rest of his beverage in one go before slamming his hands against the bar and standing up. "Well, I'm off. Got business to do and what not. I only really came here to tell you to go home, Tommy needs you."

"I'm needed here."

"You're needed at home." John pointed towards Rosie as he walked backwards out of the room with a soft smile on his face. "Give Katie a birthday hug from me, yeah?"


It wasn't a good idea, Rosie was well-aware of that, but John's words had stirred something up inside of her. She was already worried about Tommy - he had been off when she had spoken to him over the telephone and he was constantly asking her about where she had been, signalling that something was wrong. It had got to the point when he didn't even ask about the Italians which was unusual as that was the only illegal business that he was dealing with, at least that's what she thought. It was worrying but what could she expect? Tommy was stressed out with the business, which he hadn't told her about, despite promising too and there was clearly issues back in Birmingham that he was keeping from her. She suspected that it was something to do with the God awful Inspector.

Once John had left, Rosie had looked up and ran back to the shared house and packed a few things. She explained the situation to Lauren, who was used to see Rosie run off back to Birmingham almost every week. Lauren, luckily, understood and she promised to keep the club afloat until she returned. thankfully. Lauren was a blessing to Rosie and she knew that she could trust her with everything.

As Rosie packed some clothes into a bag, she turned to look at Lauren who was spread out on the bed as she read a magazine. "Tommy's been extremely weird with me, did I mention it?"

Lauren placed the magazine on the bed sheets before sighing loudly. "Tommy is always acting weird according to Arthur. Then again, Arthur has been acting rather strange lately. I haven't spoken to him in a few days now." Lauren looked sighed again and Rosie considered telling her about Arthur prison stint, but she decided against it. As selfish as it was, Rosie needed Lauren on-top form for the night ahead and she couldn't have her concentrating on Arthur when her head was needed elsewhere. "Anyway, what has he done?"

Rosie moved to sit down on the chair in front of the mirror before crossing her legs and looking up at the roof. "Everything is just so complicated with him. I know that he is keeping things from me, I can read him like a book. I haven't even told him about Alfie Solomon's lurking around the club... Does he still come?" Lauren shook her head. "Strange."

"The best thing for you to do is tell him the truth and make him understand that you feel as if you are on the side-lines. He loves you, that's bloody obvious, so, I'm sure he will do whatever he can to change things and make you feel more loved."

"I suppose." Rosie stood back up and placed a few more dresses into a bag before standing up straight and groaning. "Why did the war happen? I mean, things between me and Tommy were so perfect because everything went to shit and now, it's one big mess. I can see that the business comes before anybody else, including me."

"That is not true, Rosie."

"Is it not?" The younger woman raised one eyebrow at her best friend. "A few weeks ago, he was meant to meet me here and take me out for dinner, but he was late, so fucking late. Claims he was with Alfie Solomons, sorting out business and whatnot but he can't pull the wool over my eyes. He's a fucking liar, Lauren."

"Yet, you are running off to Birmingham to make sure that he is alright. I think you are just angry right now and accusations are flying around the room. Instead of ranting to me about your relationship - "

"You're my best friend," she interrupted.

"Yes, I am but talking to me about these problems isn't going to solve anything, is it? You need to talk to Tommy about everything and then things will get sorted between the two of you. Do you understand that?" Lauren sat up and reached over to close Rosie's bag for her. Lauren was right, and Rosie hated it for her.

"I'm just scared that things will go wrong and then I will be all alone. I hate that things have ended up like this, awkward chats and not seeing each other, but I want to fight for what me and Tommy have. I don't want to lose him." Rosie leaned her head on the wall before an idea popped into her head. "I could propose to him."

Lauren widened her eyes and shook her head. "What is that going to do?"

"I don't know. We spoke about getting married before the war, but things were different then."

"Do you want to be marry him?"

"Yes," she answered honestly, yet a sad glimmer was in her eyes. "The question is, does he want to marry me?"


Authors note: ok, this is my 6th time of trying to post a fucking authors note but wattpad is fucking wank. i'm fuming. please vote, comment and whatever fucking else. idk, i'm sick of writing this authors note tbh. wattpad, sort ya shit out.

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