Chapter seven

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Ryland's POV
"Shane turn around and take notes or something stop staring at me like that." I said looking up from my notes.
"Oh come on Ryland why are you mad at me?" He's kidding right? I can't believe I thought he was a nice guy when I first saw him. It was something about his smile.. obviously I thought wrong though.
"Really? You embarrassed me in front of all those people and I actually was stupid enough to think you was a nice guy when I first saw you." I looked down at my notes not knowing nor caring what his reaction would be.
"I'm sorry" He said making me immediately looked up at him. He looked genuine. Did he mean it why are those two words making me think this hard?
"Ryland? Can you forgive me? I won't mention anything like that again but can we be friends?" He said I was surprised not knowing what to say I just nodded. He smiled and turned around. I felt a tap on my shoulder I turned around facing Garrett.
"why were you talking to Shane? You do know he's the schools bad boy? He plays with everyone's hearts every girl and guy falls for his bs." I was taken back by Garret was it just me or did that sound more well personal.
"he just said he wanted to be my friend Garrett don't worry I would never be with him." I said and that made Garrett smile. First period finally was over and I was off to second period, which would suck because I wouldn't know anyone in there. I got up grabbing my backpack and told Garrett I would see him later.
"Hey Ryland what class do you have next?" Shane asked me sounding so much more different than when he asked me to come over earlier. It was a good different though. I handed him my schedule and smiled. He smiled back.
"wow Ryland we have every class together except last period you have gym. I already finished my gym and health credits." That wasn't a surprise it was obvious he liked to work out. Damn he's perfect except his player attitude.
"really? That's cool." I still couldn't stop myself from thinking about why he even asked me if I would come over did he find me that attractive no he probably fucks everything that moves.
"Ryland you alright? you look.. deep in thought." He asked he sounded genuinely worried.
"oh yeah I'm fine thanks for asking." He stopped and walked inside an empty room I was confused until I realized it was the science room. He set down at the science table and I sat beside him.
" You have a change in attitude all of the sudden, what's the deal Shane be honest. I don't need fake friends in my life." I said surprised at myself for how straight forward I just was.
" well I guess I just feel bad I didn't think what I said would embarrass you usually people would melt at my feet if I asked them to come to my house, I was surprised you turned me down." He looked down.
" I guess that makes sense. Thanks for apologizing Shane." I smiled at him. He just nodded and turned away. Wait was that a blush no I highly doubt anyone can make Shane Dawson blush. Especially me.

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