Chapter twenty

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Ryland's POV
I felt like shit as I was sitting on the couch cuddled up to Uno. What was Shane going to say and why wouldn't he say it? These thoughts are going to kill me. In a way it's all worth it as long as I have Shane. I trust him right? Yes I do he would never hurt me..
" Ry! Ryland!" I heard Shane screaming and I looked up.
" I've been trying to get your attention for like 2  minutes you spaced out.. you okay Babty?"
He asked and I just nodded. He looked amazing. He was wearing black skinny jeans and a white t shirt that hugged his body perfectly. He had on black and white Converse. I smiled.
" you tried to match me?" He nodded and blushed.
" I wanted to try to look as good as you because you look so perfect like always." I blushed now.
" Not as perfect as you. Let's get to school." He nodded. I got up and Shane grabbed my hand. I felt the spark go through my body again.
" Who's driving?" Shane asked
" I will, I feel like I haven't in forever." Shane nodded.
Time skip (7:35am)
We pulled up to school 5 minutes "late" even though class doesn't start until 8:00am.
As soon as Shane and I walked in everyone stared the girls were waving and giggling at Shane despite the fact he was holding my hand.
Shane ignored all the glares and giggling girls but it was hard for me. People were whispering about me.
"Why would Shane date that?"
" Don't worry it won't last long"
" yeah Shane doesn't date he will be everybody's again soon."
I felt my heart drop. No they are wrong.
We finally got to our classroom and sat down beside each other in the back. Nobody was here yet thank god.
" Shane.. people kept whispering."
" Yeah I'm sorry Ry if I could make them stop I would." I nodded and looked down at Shane's hand intertwined with mine. He squeezed my hand making me smile and look up at him.
" Try to ignore it Babty everything they say is a lie. I'm here to stay." Shane said.
" I know.. I will try to ignore it." Shane nodded.
Time skip (lunch time: 12:20pm)
I was regretting this so much and Shane knew it. He stopped in the hall and pulled me into an empty classroom.
" it's okay Ry. Do you want me to just grab our lunch and meet you in your car? I don't want you to have a panic attack or something." I thought about it but shook my head.
" No I can't avoid this forever. Let's go." Shane nodded and smiled at me. We walked in the lunch room hand in hand. Everyone stared I tried to ignore it but while we were waiting in line Garrett came up. Wait he wasn't in class this morning where was he?
" Ryland wtf why are you with Shane I warned you about him he's no good." I immediately got pissed and was about to say something but Shane squeezed my hand so I shut my mouth.
" oh so he doesn't even let you speak for yourself that's great. He's gonna leave you in the dust. He's probably already fucked 10 girls since he's been with you." Garrett wouldn't shut up. That last sentence made me laugh. He would never. My laughing pissed Garret off even more.
" you will regret it Ryland trust me." Then he walked off. Was that a threat?
" Don't listen to him Ry he's just jealous." Shane said scooting up in line.
" That didn't sound like jealousy Shane. Do you two personally know each other?" He can't lie Garrett wouldn't say all of that if he just knew Shane by reputation.
" Yes. I will tell you about it in the car." Wow he didn't even try to lie. I smiled. We got into the car with our food. We both got pizza and fries.
" So tell me what happened between you and Garrett." I said Shane looked upset but nodded.
" Okay So...

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