Chapter sixteen

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Ryland POV
Time skip
It was dark out now and we were headed back to Shane's house. When we were walking inside I got a text from an unknown number.
Unknown: I see you Ryland Adams.
" maybe it's just someone fucking with me" I said not realizing I said it out loud until Shane spoke up.
" what are you talking about Ry?" My phone vibrated again and again.
Unknown: better watch out, you never know what could happen to you.
Unknown: image sent.
I looked at the picture and stopped in my tracks. Shane looked worried.
" Ry what's going on?" He asked.
" L-look at this." I handed Shane my phone. He looked over the texts but the picture is what worried him it was written all over his face.
" we should get inside. I want let anybody hurt you okay?" Shane looked and sounded serious. I nodded. We hurried inside locking the door right behind us. Uno ran up to me so I bent over to pet him.
" Why would someone do shit like this?" Shane sounded pissed as he walked back in forth.
" Babty calm down I'm sure it's just a prank or something. Nobody is gonna hurt me here." Shane sat on the couch so I walked over and sat beside him.
" It's not a prank Ryland they took a picture of us walking to the house holding hands. That means they were on my property and could still be here." Shane sighed looking down pulling me closer to him. I laid my head on his chest.
" Yeah but nobody can hurt me as long as I'm here with you. You said so yourself."
" But Ryland your only gonna be here for a few more days and than you go home and start going to school again. How do we know it's not someone at school doing this shit. They could find out where you live." Shane sounded pissed but also.. upset.
" Shane I will be fine. I can take care of myself. If it was someone at school than they would be to scared to do this because of you." Shane laughed slightly knowing it's the truth. I lifted my head off of Shane to look him in the eye.
" Shaney I think it's sweet you're so worried about me but I honestly think no I know everything will be fine as long as I have you."

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