Hate Sleeping Alone

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Mercedes awoke to an empty bed. She felt around and his side was cold. She couldn't tell if he had even come home last night or if he had just awoken hours earlier.

She threw her feet over the side of the bed and slipped into her house shoes. She grabbed her robe and headed to the restroom to shower.

When dressed, she walked down the stairs of her home to make herself breakfast. She sat at the table and enjoyed a bagel with spicy cream cheese, a small fruit salad, and her daily espresso; one of her favorites.

After breakfast, she grabbed her purse and keys before heading to the office. She jammed out to a generic apple music playlist during her commute.

After pulling into her parking spot, she grabbed her bag out of the backseat and walked in, the noise of her heels echoing throughout the room. She stopped at the front desk before heading to her office.

"Hi Mrs. Walker, how are you today?" the sweet secretary who had come to be a familiar face asked.

"I'm quite alright Ms. George, you got anything for me?"

She updated her on some of the messages that had been left for her and gave her a rundown of some of the tasks she needed to get through, sorted from urgent to can wait. It really was not in the girl's job description to do that for her, but man did it make her life easier.

She smiled and thanked her before heading up to her office. She plopped down into her crazy expensive desk chair that was extremely comfortable, before powering on her computer. She looked down at the picture of her and Jeremiah that sat upon her desk. She smiled. It was back on their honeymoon. The two were smiling directly at the camera, snuggled up in one another, looking extremely cozy. We were so in love she thought to herself. She shook the thoughts from her head before diverting her attention to her computer and attempting to finish as much as possible.


Mercedes shut off her computer and grabbed her bag. It had been a successful day. She worked right through lunch as she was so in the zone. Wasn't necessarily a good thing but hey at least she had finished all of the day's tasks. She locked up, her heels clicking to the elevator. On her way out she said bye to the sweet secretary before walking to her car. She looked at the time before realizing it was only 3' o clock. She decided to stop for a late lunch.

She pulled up to one of her favorite little restaurants called Rockfish. She grabbed her purse and headed inside, getting a table for just herself. It was lunchtime, so while the place wasn't exactly super crowded, it wasn't empty.

Her eyes were glued to her phone as she sat and waited. A pretty and polite woman came and took her order and she resumed. She heard very loud chatter walking past her but her eyes were still glued to a random Buzzfeed article. All of a sudden she felt a presence standing right beside her. She looked up and smiled. It was that guy Aubrey from the other night.

"Hi," she smiled up at him. In normal instances, she would have stood and given him a hug but she did not find that to be appropriate.

"Hey. You here alone?" Aubrey looked around. He was ecstatic to see her here and hoped someone wouldn't come out of the woodworks and ruin it.

"Yeah, I'm just grabbing a late lunch. You care to join me?" she motioned towards the other side of the table.

He nodded and slid into the booth. He looked her over. Her hair was in a loose bun, and she was dressed in a white blouse with a pink blazer, "you look good today."

She smiled, "thank you. What brings you to this side of town?"

"I was just grabbing some lunch with my boys," he looked over to the side of his room where all of them were goofing off. "I was hoping I'd hear from you."

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