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Aubrey's POV

Days Later

"Hell is she at dude," I mumbled to myself as I waited outside of her house. I told her to be ready by noon and it's 12:15 so I'm already slightly irritated. I valued promptness.

I honked again and she finally came out, looking gorgeous in just jeans and a t-shirt. She walked quickly and got in before smiling at me, which quickly faded as I stale faced her.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"You're late."

"Just by a few minutes though," she replied.

"Doesn't matter, be on time."

"Whatever Aubrey," she rolled her eyes picking up her phone as I pulled off down the block.

"And put your phone away, you're with me right now," I side mugged her.

From the corner of my eye, I watched her put it down dramatically before staring out the window in silence.

"Is that an attitude I sense?" I smirked slightly. if there was one thing I had learned about her since we started hanging out, it was that she was highly passive aggressive.

"And if it was?"

"Girl, I will pull this car over and take off my belt, don't play with me."

"Boy bye, you swear you somebody daddy."

I smirked to myself as that word from her mouth definitely had a nice ring to it.

"You listen to me though. Bet you won't keep me waiting again," I looked at her as she rolled her eyes and turned the music up loud.

"And don't touch my radio, you don't pay no bills up in here," I said as I turned the shit down.

"Where are you taking me anyway?"

"Just sit back and enjoy the ride," I replied.

We drove in a comfortable silence for a while, DVSN playing lightly in the background. Eventually, we reached the destination. I pulled into the parking lot and shut the car off, looking at her.

"Get out."

"What you brought me to the forest for? You finna off me huh? I knew yo ass was crazy."

"Just get out," I laughed as I opened up my door, her following my lead.

We walked up the little sidewalk, and into the small building right in front of the entrance.

"Hey, Aubrey! What brings you by today!?" Sandra at the front desk smiled as she caught sight of me.

"Got a tour scheduled with Jeff for 12:45."

"Oh, he's already out there waiting on ya. I'll get ya a helmet," she said as she grabbed to from behind the desk. "Who's your friend?"

"Oh, this is my girl, Mercedes. Mercedes, this is Sandra,"

The two smiled and greeted one another as I watched Benze's cheeks turn a pinkish color.

"I threw my helmet on as I watched her look at me crazy. "What?"

"How I'm supposed to wear this without fucking up my hair? You could have told me so I didn't waste time straightening it.

"Just braid it up real quick."

"Can you do it?" she said as she looked at me with a pout.

"Of course," I said as I motioned for her to turn around. She did and I gave her two little schoolgirl braids. "You look so cute like that," I smiled at her.

"Shutup," she rolled her eyes at me as she slid the helmet on and followed me outside.

"Can you tell me what we're doing now?"

"Take a guess," I said as I motioned to Jeff standing in front of the three ATV'S.

"Oh my goodness, you remembered?!?"

A little while ago we were talking and she told me about how much she wanted to go on an ATV tour so I figured I'd play genie and grant her wish.

"Sure did," I smiled underneath the helmet. She smiled really wide before running towards Jeff.

"Hi!" she said all excitedly at Jeff.

He chuckled at her enthusiasm, "Hello, how are you?"

"I'm great."

"What's up man?" he said to me as we shook hands.

He gave us a slight rundown of rules and regulations while the ATV's are in motion like not to use our phones, and to watch for wildlife. "Any questions?"

We both shook our heads and he smiled. "Okay well hop on, make sure you have fun and remember to honk if you need to stop."

We did as we were told and watched him throw his helmet on, before hopping on his own and starting it.

We went through the forest for a while at a pretty fast speed, trailing behind Jeff. He'd stop us when he spotted any cool shit and make sure we stayed away from snakes and other dangers. By the end of the tour, we'd spotted a baboon, watched two whitetail deer fight, and had a fox stare at us all like dinner. Pretty eventful day if you ask me.

"Oh my god Aubrey, that was so much fun! Thank you for bringing me here," she smiled as we got back into the car.

"Anything for you," I smiled back at her as I pulled out and headed to grab us some lunch.


Mercedes Pov

After a very eventful day with Aubrey, I sat on the couch towel drying my hair. After our ATV date, we'd went to grab lunch and caught a movie.

I grabbed my laptop and responded to the emails I had missed during my eventful day. This was part of the reason I loved spending time with Aubrey. When I was with him, I didn't think about work, or Jeremiah, or anything else that was going wrong with my life. It was just him and I in the moment doing whatever it was we were doing.

As I responded to my last email, I heard Jeremiah come in and plop down on the couch next to me. He opened up his bag of takeout and just started eating, not even acknowledging me. Which was fine, as I'd grown use to it.

I sat my laptop down next to my phone and got up to grab my leftover salad from the fridge. I reached up into the cupboard to grab a cup, hearing my phone ding. As I poured myself a cup of lemon water, I heard Jeremiah call my name.

"Yeah?" I said as I walked back out to the living room and spotted him with my phone in hand.

"Who's Aubrey?" he looked at me, clenching his jaw.


Should be doing my math homework but here I am :) Hope everyone has a good week

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