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1 Month Later

I pulled into my driveway parking right next to Jeremiah's car. I instantly got happy at the thought of him being inside of the house, as I hadn't really seen nor heard from him in a week or so.

I stepped out of my car and made my way inside. I could hear him arguing with someone over the phone. I made my way to the dining room where it was coming from. I saw him pacing around with a few buttons undone in his dress shirt and his tie loose. I smiled and walked to him engaging him in a tight hug. I always miss him.

He wrapped one arm around me as he continued to bark at whoever was on the receiving end of the phone. I unhooked myself from him and went to the kitchen, pouring myself a cup of wine as I listened to him continue to nag whoever was on the call.

"No, there are no excuses for this! Well, who let such an inexperienced rookie handle such a high profile case! Now thanks to whoever, damage control needs to be taking place immediately," he paused and listened to the other person talk. "I'll be in the office in 15, meet me there."

He hung up and looked over at me. "I gotta run babe."

I took the wine glass from my lips and pouted. "Well, when will you be back?"

"No Idea, don't wait up hun, I'll see you when I get back," he said quickly as he grabbed his jacket and rushed out the door.

I sighed. You'd think I'd be used to it by now.

I carried on with my normal activities. With Jeremiah's absence, I had grown used to a nighttime routine all by my lonesome. I meditated, did some reading, caught up on some work, spent some time on the treadmill, and cooked a little dinner. Afterwards, I cleaned up in the kitchen and went up to shower and change into something comfortable.

About an hour later, I laid on the couch, with my bonnet and warmest pajama pants on. I watched some kind of random murder mystery on Netflix, while I stuffed my face with some peanut butter ice cream. When it got to the part where the accused was about to be sentenced, I heard my phone ringing. I grabbed it from the table, the screen reading Aubrey would like to facetime. I was kinda shocked that he was calling, and I didn't think I looked decent enough for a facetime. I mean, I didn't really want him to see me looking like a slob, so I just texted him.

Me: What's up?

Aubrey: Why you ain't just answer?

Me: Because I look a mess. Ain't nobody ever told you to always schedule your Facetime appointments? You don't know what I was doing.

Aubrey: Lol, what's wrong with how you look?

Me: My bonnet's on and I'm in my pajamas.

Aubrey: Girl, don't nobody care about no damn bonnet.

Aubrey: Answer the phone.

I stared at the phone once he called me again, rushing to the bathroom. I quickly took my bonnet off, trying to put my hair into a sexy yet slightly tousled bun.

I ran up the stairs quickly putting on a tank to replace one of the overly large sweaters I stole from Jeremiah.

I ran back down the stairs to find my phone still buzzing. I quickly looked at myself once more in the mirror, before I sat down on the couch and tried to look cool. I then answered Aubrey's incoming call, making sure the angle didn't make my face look fat.

"I thought you said you was in your bonnet?" he asked immediately.

"I took it off."


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