Come and See Me

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Mercedes POV

It started off as a simple kiss. Light and sweet.

But then Aubrey grabbed ahold of my legs and pulled me closer so there was literally no space between us.

And then he grabbed my backside, the hard way like I've always liked.

And then his tongue ended up in my mouth.

And then I undid all the buttons on his shirt, so that I could feel the rock hard abs I know he worked hard to maintain.

And now I had my back against the wood of the table with this beautiful man on top of me, kissing and touching me the exact way I've been craving.

I knew this was wrong. Extremely wrong. I never thought I'd be the one to step out in our marriage. But what's crazy is, I knew how wrong it was and it still felt so right.

He broke our kiss and began to lay kisses on my neck, which really made me feel tingly inside. It was then that I took the last bit of sanity I had, placed my hand against his chest, and told him to stop.

"You okay?" he looked at me, as he redid his buttons.

"Yes, I just.... My husband is downstairs."

"Fuck him," he smiled at me.

"HaHaHa," I laughed sarcastically, hopping down from the table. I sighed running my fingers through my hair. Even though things had been rocky, I still felt pretty damn terrible for this. "I'm gonna go ahead and head back down," I said walking past him and towards the door.

"Hey, hey," he grabbed me by the waist and turned me back to face him. 'Oh boy' I thought to myself looking up and into his eyes. "Come and see me tonight."

His tone wasn't gentle and light like it usually was, but slightly aggressive and dominant. He wasn't asking he was telling me.

"Okay," was all I had to reply with.

He smirked down at me before muttering a "gimme a kiss" which I happily obliged. I then hurried out of the room and down the stairs to find Jeremiah.

"You alright? That was a long time in the restroom, " he said as I approached.

"Yeah, my stomach just feels kinda funny," I replied giving him a tight lipped smile, as he pulled me in for a little hug. He was always more affectionate at gatherings, for obvious reasons.

"You ready to go?" he mumbled.

"Whenever you are."

"Lets get outta here then."


When we arrived home, Jeremiah immediately got into the master bedroom shower while I retreated to use the one in the guest room.

I sat and took off my makeup while my mind fluttered to the man who occupied my thoughts too damn much.

Aubrey was really the world's biggest sweet heart. He planned stuff for us to do, always made an effort for us to hang out, he made me laugh when I was sad and listened to me when I was upset.

I can't halp but think about how well our personality's mash. We never argue. He always listens to me when I speak and I try to always do the same for him. We like the same sports teams, we enjoy the same music, we eat at the same places and we were interested in the same shows. As awful as it may sound to say, he was literally the perfect man for me.

And that just brought my mind back to my husband, as I stripped down and got into the shower. There was once a time Jeremiah seemed to have everything I was looking for. But I had grown up. And so had he. Our values were different. The way we spent our time was different. We didn't even eat the same brands of cereal anymore. As I thought more and more about the current state of our marriage, it dawned on me that maybe it was less of a phase and had more to do with the fact that we had outgrown one another.

As the warm water hit my body, I thought about the possibility of being without Jeremiah. He's the only guy I have ever seriously been with so I have such a hard time envisioning life without him. However, I was really on the verge of being the leading lady on an episode of Snapped so it was very apparent that it may soon be my reality.

I got out of the shower and slipped on my favorite trench coat along with some chunky heels before going downstairs. I grabbed a bottle of water before walking into the garage and getting into my car, heading to my obvious destination.

25 minutes later I pulled into his drive way.

Knocking on his door and waiting for him to open I took a deep breath and tried to ease my thumping heart. I'm already here. No turning back. I'm just gonna do it. 

He opened the door and moved to the side to let me in. I walked in and stood in the middle of his living room before going fuck it  in my head and dropping my coat.

He made his way down the little hallway at the front of his house before spotting me. He didn't say anything, just looked at me for a solid 15 seconds. 

"I want you," I blurted into the silence. 

He just smiled and gave me a look before walking towards me, making me feel small. 

He ran a hand threw my hair and pulled me into before pulling me into an absolutely Earth shattering kiss. When my tongue ended up in his mouth, he grabbed me by the ass and lifted me off the ground, carrying me to his room and giving me the absolute best night of my life.


I'm not sure how I feel about this chapter but I haven't updated in forever and I feel bad about it lol. Originally it was because of school but once summer started I found myself in the most awful writer's block, but I figured the best way to snap outta that is to just write what I could and make it understandable so here we are.

Anywho, time to shake shit up in this story so I hope yall still with me! (p.s. Excuse any errors).

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