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"Please calm down," I spoke calmly to Jeremiah, as he glared at me with enraged eyes.

"Calm down? YOU WANT ME TO CALM DOWN AND YOU HAD DIVORCE PAPERS DELIVERED TO MY WORK? DO YOU UNDERSTAND HOW FUCKING TERRIBLE THAT MAKES ME LOOK?" he yelled at me, kicking his foot out and knocking over one of my prized bookshelves. 

"I'm aware.  Your colleagues would have found out you were divorced when I just magically stopped coming around anyway though, so it's probably a good thing we just ripped the bandage right off."


"I can't do that," I shrugged, keeping my calm composure. Over the pass two years, I'd cried, I'd yelled, we 'd fought,etc. I was tired of it. 


"Yanno, for someone who literally rarely speaks to me you sure are making a big deal out of this," I said looking behind his head at a shattered picture of us on our honeymoon. "I thought you would be happy to get me outta  your hair."

"YOU STUPID BITCH I NEVER SAID THAT!" he screamed grabbing a chair and throwing it in my direction, making me dart out of the way.

"Alright. Here's how this is gonna go," I said, straightening my posture. Him being that willful to throw things at me made me feel like he was gonna start throwing fists at me soon, and I wasn't gonna stick around to find out. "I'm gonna go upstairs and pack a bag. I'll send for the rest of my things. You can have everything, including this," I said sliding the diamond ring that he spent a small fortune on off of my ring finger. "I just want the vacation house in Vancouver. You can have all the money in the savings account. I just want my personal belongings, including anything that was gifted to me," I tossed the ring at him before ascending up the staircase. 

I quickly threw about 2 weeks worth of work, gym, and sleeping clothes into my luggage once I got up into my closet, slightly fearful Jeremiah would be coming up behind me looking to take out more of his rage. In all our years of being together, I had never seen him so angry and I was going a good job of not outwardly showing how scared I actually am.

I grabbed my smaller luggage, throwing some shoes into it, as well as a bag of essentials full with my toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, etc.

Once I felt like I was okay for a stay at a hotel, I pushed the luggage down the stairs quickly, ready to get the fuck, ASAP. When I got down, I wasn't met with the angry Jeremiah that was there just minutes ago. Now he was sitting on the couch, elbows on his knees, head in his hands, crying.

I just simply muttered an, "I'll see you in court," continuing to walk to the door, the crocodile tears not really phasing me. However what he said when he raised his head up was enough to take me aback.

"Mercedes, if you walk out of that door, I'll kill myself." 

I stopped, my hand on the door, in shock. I never expected to ever hear him utter something like that and I wasn't prepared for it. I turned back, looking into his cold eyes full of nothing but desperation to get me to stay. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if he took his own life, and he knew that. While it was nothing but an empty threat made to connive me into staying, I just couldn't leave him here unsure of if he'd harm himself. 

So I let go of my luggage and pulled out my phone, going to the dial pad. "Hi, I'm at 4357 Yale street and I was really hoping I could have a unit sent out. There's a party inside threatening to kill himself and in need of some form of psychiatric treatment."

I continued to talk to the 911 Operator, as Jeremiah stood up from the couch, his eyes dark and cold, staring at me. 

I hung up just as he put a hole in the wall and figured that was my cue to go.


I originally had plans on staying in a hotel. Somehow, from my now old house, to the Comfort INN I was gonna stay at, I took a detour. And here I am at Aubrey's door, with my luggage in my hands. I was nervous he would be a little pissy with me due to me not calling, or picking up my phone the last week but hey, it's worth a shot. I knocked.

After about 30 seconds he answered, looking at me, then the luggage I held on to in confusion. 

"Hi," I smiled shyly.

"Hi," he replied, leaning up against the door.

"Can I stay here with you for while?"

He raised his eyebrows a little but nevertheless responded, "absolutely."

He opened the door a little bit more so I could come in before gesturing me inside. 

I took off my shoes so I didn't mess up his clean carpet as he locked the door, leading me to one of his guest rooms, "you can stay in here," he said, opening the door to a room I'd never seen with the cutest brown and red décor. "Closet, TV, and bathroom connected if you don't feel like leaving," he said, motioning me around the room. "I'll leave you to get situated. I have some dinner downstairs if you're hungry," he said before walking out.

Left alone, I put some of my clothes into the closet and placed some of my hygiene things into the restroom, preparing for a quick shower. After getting out and doing my face routine, I headed downstairs to grab some of the spaghetti Aubrey had cooked, knowing I wasn't hungry and was just being greedy. I plopped down next to Aubrey, tuning into the Rockets-Lakers game he had on. 

He didn't say much and it kinda confirmed my assumption that he was likely a little pissy with me. I'd apologize if I could just get the words out. But I couldn't so I sat there looking stupid, and he sat there being pissy. And we both watched the game, pissy and looking stupid.

Once it went off, he grabbed my plate and washed them all, before heading up to bed.

"Goodnight Mercedes," he said as he walked up the stairs. He hadn't called me Mercedes damn near since our second interaction confirming he was pissed. Yikes. Gotta do something nice tomorrow so he'll like me again, I thought to myself as I turned off the TV and went up towards the guest room for bed.


Two hours later, I laid in bed tossing and turning. The bed was so comfy, I just couldn't get to sleep and it was irritating me. I laid in bed a little while longer, before saying fuck It and throwing off the comforter, walking down the hall.

I peeked my head into Aubrey's room, seeing the only light coming from the moon. I could see him laid on his back with his shirt off, the comforter hanging around his waist. I moved to slide in with him trying to be quiet and hoping he wouldn't notice, which of course he did. His body stirred and I could see his eyelids flutter open, staring at me while I gave him a shy smile. 

"I couldn't sleep," I quickly said, hoping he didn't kick me out of his bed.

What he did actually surprised me. He took his arm from underneath his head and put it around me, pulling me closer.

 "You ignored me for a week," he said after a moment of silence.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't do it again."

"Okay," I replied, my cheeks getting warm. 

He stared at me a little while longer, before pushing his lips onto mine. I returned it of course, putting my hand on the back of his head and bringing him closer. And the kiss got deeper. So I climbed on top of him, and took my shirt off, before going on the best ride of my life. 


I know I use a lot of slang in my books, so if you didn't know, pissy means mad and is damn near in my everyday vocabulary. Hope you guys enjoyed the updates :)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2019 ⏰

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