Child's Play

950 54 8

1 Week Later

I sat at my desk, finishing up the account analysis for my latest client. Over the past few weeks, I'd been assigned a few extra clients, after having let my boss know I was looking to make some more money.

In that time, I'd developed a stricter routine. I get up, go to work, get in some overtime hours, go home, do some yoga, eat and watch something before bed. I'd been too tired to go hangout with anybody, and hadn't really made any effort to return he phone calls of the man who had basically become my bestfriend. 

I took off my glasses and leaned back in my seat thinking back to the morning after.

"Benze. Benze. Benze!" I heard a soft voice try to wake me as they softly shook me by the shoulder.  I flipped over and sat up to see Aubrey sitting on the bed with a small smile, "Good morning gorgeous" he said with a sly smile, leaning in to give me a kiss on the forehead. "I went and got us breakfast."

"What time is it?" I croaked. I'm not a morning person and I hate being woken up.

"It's about 10:15," he peered at his Apple watch.

"Shit," I quickly darted up to grab my dress and get home to shower." I was supposed to be at work 2 hours ago, why didn't you wake me up?" 

"My bad I didn't know. You were sleeping so peacefully I thought you needed all you could get." 

I quickly threw on my dress and ran my fingers through my hair, knowing I didn't sleep with my bonnet on and probably looked a hot damn mess. "I'm sorry, I can't stay for breakfast. I need have a meeting for 12:00 and I need to shower and change before I get there," I said, getting on my knees to grab the heels from the place he had through them to last night.

"It's all good, just call me later," he smiled and gave me a little kiss on the lips before I turned and hit the walk of shame out of there. 

"Mercedes!" my boss said from the entrance of my office. "Girl, stop daydreaming and go home,  it's late."

"I'm sorry Mrs.Rodriguez, I'll just finish this thought and be on my way."

I finished the last sentence I had in my head, before closing my computer. I grabbed my purse, and headed on out saying goodbye to the poor receptionist who had to stay late when we did.

Heading home, I decided to stop at Adrianna's house for dinner since it was on my route. I stopped and grabbed us sushi from a local spot before pulling into her place. 

After getting out and ringing the doorbell, I was met with her voice on the other side of the door, "DID YOU CALL?"

"Nope," I replied popping the P.

"Then I ain't home!"

I laughed at her annoying ass before banging on the door with a closed fist, "I come bearing sushi, open the door hoe."

I immediately heard her disarm her alarm system and unlock the door, "Well why didn't you just say that then, come on in bestie."

I playfully pushed her to the side, "Damn, you was gone leave me out in the cold if I ain't bring your greedy ass food?"

"Girl you know I don't play that, call me before I get here, no telling what or who I coulda been in here doing."

I laughed at her goofiness and walked to her dining room table sitting the bags down. "I got your fave," I said before walking into the kitchen and grabbing one of the wines she kept on the rack.

"What brings you here?" she said, going through the bags to pull out the shaggy dog roll with wasabi. 

"I missed your stupid self is all," I said walking back in with 2 wine glasses. 

"You make sure you go back and wash all these dishes cause I just cleaned my kitchen and here you come dirtying my shit back up."

"Girl fuck you, I'm eating and going home," I laughed.

We sat there for about 20 minutes, laughing and catching up over sushi rolls and fried rice.

"Something seems so different about you since the last time I seen you," she said, looking at me with squinted eyes.

"Wonder what that could be?" I smirked drinking a little more of the wine in my cup.

"It's almost like you're glowing damn near," she puckered her lips up. "Did you fuck him?" I drunk a little more of my wine before making a slightly anxious face, staring directly into her eyes. "YOU DID I SEE IT IN YOUR FACE BITCH!"

"Oh, hush."

"When?! Give me details. How was he?! How big?!He eat punani?!" she laughed.

"It was last week, after the little company party I went to. It was good. He does lots of things and does them all well." 

"That's it??? Sister I need more," she squirmed drinking more of her drink.

"I just don't really feel comfortable going into details," I took a deep sigh, pushing my hair behind my ear, knowing I was in a space I could spill out all my emotions and not be judged. "I hate that this is what things have come to. I had sex with another man while my husband sat in his office and worked, probably wondering where I was. I feel so disgusting and nasty. When I met him, I never thought we'd grow so far apart and not even a full five years later, here I am stepping out on him and it just," I put my head into my hands and there came the water works.

Adrianna got up from her seat and came around the table, giving me a little hug over my shoulders,"Oh honey."

"I just want to understand how did my marriage go down the drain so quickly man," I cried.

"Girl, you know I've never been the biggest Jeremiah fan and I would love nothing more than for you to dump his ass right now and live happily ever after with Aubrey but this isn't about me. You have 2 men who care about you, and sadly I don't think they're okay with you having them both. Make a decision. And do it fast before you seriously hurt someone."

I continued to cry into my hands knowing the decision, or at least a big part of it was already made.


I pulled into my driveway and turned off my headlights. Jeremiah's car was in the driveway meaning he was already here. I've never felt more antsy or nervous in life walking down the concrete into our front door. I put the key in the door and opened it up, being met with an absolute warzone. Couches were turned over, our glass dinner table was broken, food containers were everywhere, the big screen TV on the wall was broken. I came around the corner and came face to face with my infuriated soon to be ex husband. 

"YOU SERVED ME DIVORCE PAPERS? ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR FUCKING MIND?" he screamed before chucking a glass vase at the wall, narrowly missing my head. 

Oh boy is all I could think to myself.

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