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Two Weeks Later- Mercedes POV

I pulled into the parking space and put the car in park. I pulled down the mirror just to get a good glance at myself before. I was meeting him after all and I didn't want to have food in my teeth.

I fluffed my hair and stepped out, walking into the restaurant. When I entered, I immediately spotted him and walked in the direction of where he was seated.

"BOO," I jumped as I walked behind him, touching his shoulder. He just looked up at me and smiled.

"Not scary?" I smiled sitting down.

"Not in the slightest?" he laughed, setting his phone down.

The waitress, a very perky blonde walked up to our table, "Thank you for dining at Grand Lux with us today, can I get you something to drink?"

I scanned over the menu before I looked up at her, "I'm not seeing your wine selections," I said flipping through the menu pages.

"Oh I apologize I forgot to bring it out. We offer glasses or bottles of the Merlot, the Moscato, Cabernet, Chardonnay, and Stella Rosa."

"I'll have a bottle of the Stella Rosa," I smile at her.

She turns to Aubrey, "anything for you sir?"

"Eh, I'll just drink some of her bottle."

I laugh, "Oh no you will not. Better get you something because I ain't sharing."

He held his hand to his heart, "damn, it's like that?"

"It's been a rough day, I need it all."

He looks back up at the waitress and just asks for a water, whilst she smiled and walked away.

"You a big drinker?" he asked me.

"I use to take shots of hard liquor on the daily back in college," I smile at the memory. "But it makes me do stupid things so after I got married, I just settled for daily cups of wine."

"What kind of stupid things?" he asked, taking a sip of his water.

"Well. There was the one time I got wasted at some bar and asked a stranger to marry me in front of everyone. Someone recorded it and it ended up all over the internet," I laugh. "There's also the time I called the cops to kill a spider for me, or the time I got into the shower with clothes on."

"You were wild like that?" he laughed.

"Just a little," I smile as the waitress brings out my cup of wine and sets it in front of me. "I just used to get carried away and not think logically. My husband doesn't drink at all, so he convinced me to trade it in."


"Eh, he had to bail me out or deal with the aftermath too often. I think he kinda got annoyed with having to clean up my messes."

He swirled the water in his cup, staying quiet as I popped the wine bottle open, and poured a glass.

"What about you? I've never seen you drinking anything besides juice and water."

"Yeah, I'm not a big day-drinker. If I'm gonna have anything, it's gonna be in the night time," he said as I nodded.

The waitress came back over to our table and took our food orders, as we continued with light conversation. After a few minutes, his phone went off. He looked at me as if he thought it may be impolite, but I nodded and he picked it up.

"What's going on 40?"

Since it wasn't too loud in the restaurant, and maybe because his volume was up, I could slightly hear who was on the other end of the conversation.

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