From Time

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Mercedes POV
I puckered my lips in the mirror, continuing to apply the red lip stain. Looking myself over, I smiled.

I sure as hell ain't lost it I thought.

I walked out of the bathroom and downstairs to the living room where Jeremiah sat typing on his phone. Upon the clicking of my heels, he looked up before standing up and sighing.

"Bout damn time, we're gonna be late," is all he said as he stood up grabbing his car keys, and jacket before walking towards the door.

I looked at him sympathetically and apologized as I followed behind him towards the door.

Jeremiah's firm was having an awards banquet tonight. It was an annual thing for them to throw, wanting to reward members of their team for their hard work.

Although I didn't find the majority of the members of his work family pleasant, I still always went as he thought it would be a "bad look" for him to show up alone.

We walked straight to his newer model Range, and he immediately used the radio to dial out to his partner, making sure that they had gotten enough silverware or something. He continued to make calls and bark orders at people while I sat in the passenger seat and drowned him out.

I heard my phone buzz and saw Aubrey's name on the cover front. Smiling I picked it up.

Aubrey: Kevin Hart is coming is gonna be at the Toyota Center on Saturday, you tryna go?

Me: Sure, how much are the tickets?

Aubrey: 🙄

Aubrey: I got us two

Me: Don't roll your eyes at me.

Aubrey: I do what I want.

Me: We'll see.

I guess I must have been too invested in bickering with Aubrey because I heard Jeremiah say my name loudly as he stood outside of the car.

I quickly got out running my hands over my backside and grabbing my clutch. He walked towards the venue and I followed.

Once we were in, he grabbed my hand and began pulling me along with him as he spoke to different people.

If there wasn't one thing that I had learned from Jeremiah's constant few years of nagging, it was that my purpose here was to work the room. I was here to play trophy wife, which consisted of laughing and practically flirting with the men and pretending to make friends with all of the uptight women. I served as a networking tool at these types of events as he thought that my slight experience in marketing helped reel people in.

After about thirty minutes of making rounds, Jeremiah approached me and grabbed my hand once again, pulling me towards our seats. In the moment, I wanted to make a snarky remark about how he hadn't touched me this much in months but I kept it to my self.

He dragged me along to our seats, labeled Mr. and Mrs. Carr. We sat down and the members of the table all greeted Jeremiah warmly. Like I wasn't even there.

I sat quietly and let him network. The lady next to me, who I'm guessing was one of these men's dates tried to strike up a conversation.

"I'm sorry, are you talking to me?" I said as she spoke, pulling me from my zoned out state.

"Yes I just said I loved your dress! Where did you get it?"

"Oh, I think it was in one of Phillip Plein's collections some years back."

"Oh, I've definitely gotta hit the racks to find it," she laughed. I smiled back politely.

"Are you a lawyer too?" she asked, attempting to continue the conversation.

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