It's a small world after all

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Camila POV:

"First we need some drinks to play," Demi said while grabbing some beer bottles from the fridge. Oh, snap I didn't like drinking alcohol at all. I was a lightweight when it comes to alcohol and I didn't like feeling drunk. Control was something I liked and with alcohol I had less control over my actions. It also didn't help the uncoordinated which would result into allot of stumbles on my part. I was already quite clumsy while I was sober so you can surely imagine what would happen with some alcohol in my system. I didn't want to drink but I didn't want to look like a loser either. I mean one beer wouldn't hurt. What could possibly go wrong?

"So who wants to go first?" demi asked while she gave us all a bottle of beer. No one responded so she decided to go first.

"Okay, let's see..." she said while she seemed to be thinking. "Ah let's start with something easy so everyone can drink... Never have I ever done something I regretted," she smiled while taking a sip from her drink. 'Well, that I have done, I mean remember my ex. I surely regret doing him,' I thought to myself. So I took a sip from the cold beer just like everyone else. When the liquid substance touched my lips I suddenly remembered not liking beer. I just didn't like the metallic taste it gives off.

"Your turn Austin," Demi said pointing to him.

"Never have I ever taken a shower with someone else," he smirked while sipping from his beer. God, would I love to wipe that smirk of his face. He reminded me of Wesley so much. Damn, I would have to drink again off that god awful drink. I sighed before I took another sip. I saw everyone apart from Shawn took another sip along with Austin and I.

"Ha, Shawnie boy never had any action, aye?" Austin teased him, visibly making Shawn uncomfortable with his remark. I felt sorry for him because I felt he was a descent, sweet guy. I liked him a lot more then Austin. He also reminded me of one of my best friends, Jacob.

"Hey, there is absolutely nothing wrong with waiting..." I said facing him. "I even think it's cute," I finished, trying to lighten his mood a bit, which seemed to work because he was sporting an adorable grin towards me.

"Yeah, it's really cool," Dinah concurred next to me, to which all girls joined in in agreement.

"Yeah, sorry mate if I offended you or something, but I am sure the right one is somewhere outa there," Austin apologized, surprisingly sounding sincere without any hint of a jab directed at the shy boy. I was quite taken back at his apology because I surely didn't expect him to and by the surprised looks on everyone's face I wasn't the only one. Maybe there was more to Austin than what meets the eye. It could be that we all had the wrong impression of him.

Shawn somewhat gained some confidence after we backed him up and Austin apologized.

"Never have I ever been arrested," Shawn said, taking his turn in the game. He didn't take a sip, neither did Demi, Austin and I. Only Dinah and Normani drank, while looking embarrassed at each other. I could say that I was surprised but I honestly wasn't by Dinah's confession. She always was a little bad ass with pranking every one, so it was only natural that it gotten her into trouble eventually.

"Okay, now you gotta tell what you guys did..." I said laughing at both of them. "I can surely tell there must be some kind of hilarious story behind why you guys got arrested,".

"We uhm once snuck in a Beyoncé concert and got caught," Normani quietly admitted. I laughed really hard at that because it was so something Dinah would do. She always was a major fangirl for Beyoncé she even got everyone convinced in our neighborhood, at one point, that she was her daughter. In their defense she did kind of resemble to Beyoncé.

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