Mixing business with pleasure

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Lauren POV:

Classes were going by agonizingly slow, torturing me with boredom. It wasn't necessarily because of the content of the classes, but rather that time couldn't pass by fast enough. I wanted to go to the café to see Camila again. Just knowing that I would get to see her after my class, was enough to make me hate the class. The lecture was something between me and seeing her, time was definitely not on my side as it seemed to slow down the closer it came to an ending of the lecture. You know the feeling when you have something fun planned in the near future but the days go slower when you're counting them down. That is exactly how I felt now, counting down the minutes signaling the approaching end of my class.

I was feeling so relieved when the professor announced the ending of his class, that I nearly jumped ten feet in the air out of joy. I ran out of class so fast, that it earned me a few weird glances of some classmates of mine. It didn't bother me in the least because I was just so excited to see Camila again. Just thinking about the brown eyed beauty made my stomach flip pleasurably. I probably broke all speed records by running before getting to Ally's.

"Wow, you are here early," Ally said when I walked in nearly out of breath from my sprint to get here as fast as I could. "I thought your class ended like 2 minutes ago?" she spoke while watching her wristwatch.

"Yeah, it did but I wasn't that far away," I exclaimed as an excuse as to why I was here so early.

"Sure it was..." Ally sarcastically replied totally not buying my lame ass excuse. "Oh by the way Camila isn't here yet," she winked suggestively. Guess, nothing passes the watchful eyes of my best friend.

"Oh is her first shift today?" I asked playing dumb, as if I wasn't just running to see her just a few seconds ago.

"She will be here any minute and I want you to explain her everything while I am working at the counter," Ally said with a friendly smile. I could only nod and grin at that piece of information, since that meant more time alone with Camila.

"We will be swamped in about a few hours for the lunch shift, so no funny business at work," Ally warned me suggestively. I couldn't tell if she was joking or not by her tone but she couldn't possibly be serious. Camila and I weren't even dating, so there wouldn't be any funny business to speak of.

"Of course not, I will be on my best behavior," I laughed at what she implied with my hands up in the air to signal my innocence.

"Okay, well get ready for your shift," Ally told me before returning her attention to a customer waiting to order his take away.

I threw my school stuff in the apartment that Ally and I shared before I changed into my working clothes. We only started wearing uniforms today but I already was sick of them. They consisted of a black skinny jeans, a red T-shirt and a white apron shaped as a skirt.

When I went back downstairs Camila was still not here yet, but she still had time before her shift would start. Normally it would start at 1 in the afternoon, so she still had like 20 minutes to get here on time. There weren't many customers on the terrace just yet, so the work was still manageable for Ally and I to carry out with just the two of us. It is only when lunchbreak for every student starts that the place would be swamped with hungry and impatient students. It was also the first week of the new schoolyear, so that meant that there would be more students who would eat out instead of cooking themselves.

I was already serving the few people on the terrace outside when Camila showed up. She was looking stunning as always, especially with the sun on her skin, making it look tanner than I've ever seen it before. The sunny weather made her look as if she was in her element, making her Latina features shine trough. Her eyes also seemed to have softened with sight of the reflecting sunlight, brightening her eyes into a lighter shade of brown, like milk chocolate. The pain and sorrow that was always hidden in her eyes seemed to have dimmed as well, making her look more cheerful than usual. Although there was a peaceful look in her eyes, it didn't match her body language, as she showed somewhat rattled. It made her seem like she was in a bit of distress.

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