Morality no longer holds me prisoner

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Unknown POV:

There was a chilly breeze cutting through the fabric of my grey hoodie, sending shivers to run down my spine. This coldness usually didn't bother me here in Miami, because most of the times you would welcome the cool breeze with open arms in this Miami heat but that was only when the sun was up to boil all of us humans in its inhumane scorching temperature.  

The sun wasn't completely up yet to melt away the icy coldness in the air yet, so consequently the coldness could still attack my freezing skin. The same could be said about my cold heart, since my sun wasn't awake yet to set it afire with her unparalleled warmth.

My sun wasn't going to fully magically appear for the next hour or so, because her shift wasn't for another 4 hours. She had her shift today at 9am, so I had to endure this coldness for a little while longer until the moment my sun would bring back the warmth of day.

She would normally appear at 7am to leisurely walk to the café for her shift, while softly soaking up the peace and quiet the early morning glow had to offer her.

I was always amazed how the morning sun could perfectly capture her in its beaming spotlight to bring out her exquisite blinding brightness. It always warmed my heart to see her in this faint morning light that was slowly being breath to life, seemingly breathing life to my sun's light as well.

I especially loved seeing her at this time in the morning, because it was too early for my sun' light to reach the eyes of unexpecting spectators who would be blinded by her beauty. I didn't like sharing my sun, when she would cast her sunlight on others, so I loved this time of day where almost no one was up to take in her bright light. No one was there to stand in front of my view, blocking me from my sunlight.

At this time I would have her for myself, enjoying her sunlight without sharing her light. It was the only time her light would warm away my coldness. The only time I had my sun all to myself.

That wasn't completely true either, because she never went unaccompanied from one place to another. There was always someone joining her for protection, because god forbid she would be unattended for even a few minutes.

It was funny in a way that her friends assumed that I would ever harm my sun in a moment of unawareness, when they were in fact unaware of how they were the ones hurting my sun by keeping her from me. She was inevitably mine, so why would I harm what belonged to me? It didn't make sense to me how they got it all twisted, because they were villains in the story and not me.

The way they were trying to keep her away from was actually quite amusing to me, because they were completely oblivious to how badly they were failing in it. I especially had a hard time not rubbing it in their faces when it was my turn to accompany her. I really couldn't help but mentally laugh at the irony of it all, because I was escorting her from one place to another to protect her from this 'big bad stalker', all the while I was the one they wanted to protect her from.

It was convenient of how naïve and trusting they were, playing the cards right in my favour. I mean I wanted a glimpse of my light, needing it like oxygen, and now I could walk besides her without being careful of being seen. All because they gave me a legitimate excuse of walking besides her.

So here I was on escort duty, patiently sitting on a bench in front of her dorm building. I even got here a few hours too early eager to see a glimpse of my sun. I didn't even mind that I hadn't gotten the time to shave this morning, not if it meant that I got to spend more time with my sun.

I felt my cold heart raise the moment I saw the door opening, nearly getting my eyes blinded when the sharp brightness of her light peered through the door opening. Her radiating beauty made me lose my breath, quickly regaining my ability to breathe and act normally to not come off as suspicious.

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