You can heart them away

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A/N: Hello, I am going to apologize in advance, because i won't be able to update for at least two weeks. I am going on vacation and where I am going there won't be an internet connection, so I can't update there. Luckily I can write there, but I can't post it.

In other news, I think I should mention a trigger warning on this chapter for mentions of abuse and rape. I don't know if this could trigger anyone but I mention it anyway in case it does.

Hope you enjoy the new chapter!!!



Camila POV:

The following weeks after my stalker's attack it has been relatively quiet, considering I hadn't even had any sign of his presence anymore. There were no more notes or gifts send my way with me being addressed as his sun.

You could go as far as to say; things were slowly turning back to normal. Even though that might not be completely accurate, since what could be considered normal anyway. There were some slight changes in my routine, making my weeks differ from the first few days and week here.

First there were the weekly physical therapy torture sessions, which I didn't had to endure the first week back in Miami. I was making some progress in training my injured knee, gaining back some of its function to train the weakened muscle to walk again. The first two weeks I dreaded going to these sessions, because it would inflict excruciating pain in my leg when they would push me to walk. It was with every step that a sting would pierce through my nerves, that had me in tears with nearly every step. So it was safe to say that those sessions weren't my favourite thing in the world, and even that is putting it lightly. Luckily for me the pain was becoming less present day by day.

Another thing that had changed since the attack was, that I was never alone, and I mean that literally. Seriously even when I was taking a shower, there was someone on the other side of the door standing guard. I also had personal police protection according to Harry, but they only stayed in their car outside the dorm, so those officers weren't really bothering me that much. I hadn't even seen them yet, so I wasn't complaining.

My two roommates, Demi and Shawn, were a complete other story however. They were treating me like I couldn't do anything by myself, always helping me when I could do it by myself just fine. For example when I was in the kitchen to make a simple sandwich, Demi grabbed the bread out of my hand and took it upon herself to make my food. Another example, when I had to grab a bowl for my cereal in my cabinet, Shawn quickly moved out of his chair to take it for me. It were small and obviously kind gestures, but they were annoying me as hell. They were all treating me, like a little child unable to do anything for herself. I knew they were only trying to help, but they were smothering me with their kind and, in my opinion, completely unnecessary actions of help. Honestly, if I would ask them to wipe my butt after I took a dump, they would gladly throw away whatever they were doing to ask me which toilet paper I preferred.

They were also overbearing in their conversation, where they would carefully tread around 'the incident' , in an effort to avoid hurting me, as if one harmful word would break me. I also noticed the worried glances my way when we ate our dinner together, which was a tradition we started. I hated that they thought I was so fragile and looked at me as if I could break down any minute.

Don't get me wrong I was grateful that they cared enough to want to help, but I couldn't ignore that it made me feel useless, like I wasn't even capable of functioning without them. It felt like they were softly killing my independence with their kindness, and after the nightmare I lived in because of that monster, my new found independence counted as one of my most prized possessions. Them taking away my independence also irrevocably meant that were taking away pieces of my freedom, because if you thought about it, you can't have freedom without having your independence. Their good natured will to help and take care of me, consequently also meant they were blocking me to chase my freedom, which was my cure to recover from what that monster put me through. Chasing my freedom was my recovery from that all, and that was exactly what they were unintentionally blocking. 

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