Impulsivity is not always foolish

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Lauren POV:

The entire way back to the dorm was spend in utter silence between us all. Silence that was quickly filled with noise when we entered my friends' dorm building. There were numerous of unfamiliar people in the hallway and by the looks of it they were slightly intoxicated with alcohol, judging by the beer bottle in their hands and the uncoordinated movements of some of them.

There were about 20 people on the level of my friends' dorm. The people were all spread out in the hall and kitchen. It looked like a small party or gathering, where everyone was engaged in some kind of an animated conversation. The different voices and spoken words were all mashed together to an incoherent wall of sound the moment you walked in my friend's suite.

Camila flinched away from the chaos by slightly moving behind me, making me reach for her hand and gently squeeze it to reassure her. She was no longer alone. I was going to be there for her; to lift up her mood, to make her smile or to lift her confidence. I would help her bring out the inner dork, that I knew was somewhere stuck in there. I saw some glimpses of her quirks and dorky personality when she was free of her worries, and I would try to take away all her worries so she could irrevocably be herself.

She intertwined our hands with a thankful smile plastered on her face when she raised her head to meet my gaze. I should be surprised that her hand fit perfectly into mine, but honestly I came to suspect surprises when it came to her. She already managed to surprise me these couple of days on each and every one of those days. I always thought it to be impossible, but she just happened to achieve the impossible. She was able to keep me on my toes, and look forward to the routine breaking that would most definitely accompany her. Simply said; she gave me something to look forward to and something was change in the predictability of my life.

"Hey, Roomies!" a guy with blonde ruffled up hair excitedly yelled as a greeting, coming towards us from out the mass of people in the kitchen. "And welcome friends of my roomies" he said at the same time he slung his arms around Dinah and Normani's shoulders.

"Hey Luke," Dinah said amused at the boy's greeting of them. It was honestly a sight to see, because he seemed to have visible difficulty with standing straight upwards. "What is going on here?"

"Well my dear Dinah, my friends and I are having a small pre-drink before we go out tonight," he said with a lopsided grin.

"Without inviting us? I am offended Luke," Normani added with a playful tone in her voice, which was completely missed by the blonde boy. I guess sensing sarcasm is a skill for the sober and too difficult for the drunken mind to comprehend.

"What!? no!? You guys weren't here!" He panicked with widened eyes, lifting his hands up in an unnecessary defence. That my friends is why you shouldn't drink too much. It makes you miss the playful nature of a conversation and take everything so serious. Although it is fun to mess with drunken people, but not so much when you are the one being messed with, especially when you remember your idiocy the day after.

"We were, but you never said anything," Dinah went along with it, deriving pleasure from his confusion.

"No! I swear I knocked on all your doors, but you didn't answer" he pleaded, trying to prove his already known innocence.

"They are just messing with you Luke," Camila laughed, shaking her head in amusement while she moved from behind me to show herself more visibly.

"Oh, okay" He shrugged his shoulders before turning his attention towards the small Latina with a wide grin. "My other Roomie" he excitedly greeted her the moment he saw her, wrapping his hands around her in an embrace, lifting her up from the ground. "I might not know you guys for long, but I love you guys! You are the best roommates ever"!

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