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Lee Eunji

"Eunji! Wake up! We're here!"

I slowly opened my eyes and groaned, blinking a couple of times as my eyes adjusted to the lighting. Once they did, I glanced around and found Kim Taehyung, my best friend since elementary school, standing besides me. Then I glanced around me, noticing several other people our age dressed in uniform get off of the bus.

"Hurry up or else we'll be late!" Taehyung cried out as attempted to drag me off of the bus by pulling on my sleeves. I groaned and shook Taehyung off of me. I then turned around and grabbed my backpack sitting next to me, swung it over my shoulder as I stood up and followed Taehyung off the bus. Together, the two of us began heading towards our lockers.

As we neared the hallway where our lockers were located, the two of us could see that there, waiting besides our lockers was Kim Minjoon, the school bully. He was leaning against the lockers with his arms crossed, staring in our direction with a deadly look in his eyes. Our eyes met and I could feel chills crawling down my back as Kim Minjoon pushed off of the lockers and began making his way over to where we stood.

"Look who we have here... So Eunji, do you have my money?" Minjoon asked, giving me a cold stare as he grabbed the front of my shirt and mercilessly slammed me against the side of the lockers. I gasped from the sudden impact of my back meeting with the lockers and bit my lips as I slowly glanced up at Minjoon, weakly shaking my head 'no'.

"I'm sorry, I forgot it at home again," I quietly sobbed, tears beginning to form in the corner of my eyes. I struggled to wipe away my tears as Minjoon growled and raised a clenched fist, ready to beat the living daylights out of me. Panicking at the sight of Minjoon's clenched fist, I tightly shut my eyes and waited for the impact but strangely enough, it never happened.

Curious, I slowly opened my eyes and found Taehyung standing besides Minjoon, a dark expression on his face as he held Minjoon's clenched fist back with one hand, while the other hand was in his pockets. Minjoon growled as he slowly turned around to face Taehyung. Minjoon's eyes began to glower at him, giving him a death stare while attempting to pull his hand free from Taehyung's grasp but to no avail.

"If you hit her, you're gonna be in a world of pain," Taehyung threatened as he slowly released his grip on Minjoon's wrist. Minjoon scowled, glancing up and down as he examined Taehyung, scoffing before he released his grip on me. I fell to the floor gasping for air and glanced up at Taehyung, who gave me a reassuring smile before glaring at Minjoon again.

"Hah! You think you can threaten me? Who do you even think you are?" Minjoon scoffed as he swung his arm back and began charging towards Taehyung at full speed, not bothering to hold back at all. He begun swinging his arms around like madman, hoping to land a punch but Taehyung easily dodged all of Minjoon's attacks, and this resulted in Minjoon tiring himself out.

"Is that all you had? Man, I was really looking forwards to a real fight," Taehyung said in a taunting tone. Hearing Taehyung's words, Minjoon became enraged and found a sudden burst of energy. Letting out a scream, Minjoon began charging towards Taehyung once more and came close to hitting Taehyung but at the very last second, Taehyung stepped to the side and Minjoon ended up running into the lockers.

Taehyung took a step back, examining the mess before let out a deep sigh, running his hand through his hair. He then turned around, walked over to my side and knelt down right besides me and took my hand in his, helping me back onto my feet. He quickly glanced over his shoulders, back at Minjoon lying on the ground, and let out another sigh before turning back to face me.

"We should probably get out of here before we get in trouble," Taehyung laughed as he lead me down the hall and turned right, heading up the stairs that led to the rooftops.

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