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18 1 0

Kim Taehyung

When the final bell rang, I leaned back in my seat and let out a sigh of relief before standing up, pushing the chair out from underneath me. After a long day of school, I was so ready to head home and take a long nap, doing nothing but relaxing. I hastily shoved my textbook into my backpack and swung it over my shoulder before making my way towards my locker.

It was fairly silent when I walked down the hallway, probably due to the fact that the majority of the student had already left the campus. I let out a quiet sigh as I opened up my locker, hastily shoving in some of my book before slamming the door shut. I ran my hand through my hair as I turned away from my locker, about to head towards the exit, but was startled when a student quickly ran past.

Wondering if the person who ran by was alright, I glanced up and began searching for the student who ran by, wanting to ask them if everything was okay. However, whoever it was that ran by, it seemed that they have already left the school before I could ask. I let out a sigh of defeat, scratching the back of my neck as I began making my way towards the building's exit.

As I approached the exit, the first that I had noticed was that it was heavily pouring outside, the sidewalks were completely flooded and the rain didn't seem like it was going to stop anytime soon. Not wanting to walk home in this stormy weather, I decided it was better idea to wait inside the school for a little bit before heading home.

Having nothing to do, I set my bag down on the floor and glanced out the glass window, finding some entertainment from watching some students attempt to walk home in this stormy weather. As I watched my fellow classmate attempt to walk home in the pouring rain, I noticed that among them was Eunji and standing a few feet away from her was Minjoon.

Curious, I watched as Eunji suddenly spun around and kicked Minjoon in the side of the head, then down in his private parts before taking off at the speed of light. Minjoon slowly stood up, shaking his head before glancing up at Eunji, giving her a death glare. My eyes widened in fear as I watched Minjoon run towards Eunji at full speed, tackling her to the ground before punching the living daylights out of her.

Worried, I hurriedly bent down and grabbed my backpack, swinging it over my shoulder before running out of the dry building and into the pouring rain. I was getting completely soaked from head to toe but none of that mattered to me, the only thing that was on my mind was Eunji. I quickly ran towards Minjoon, water splashing underneath my feet and hastily pulled him off of Eunji.

"Eunji! Please say something!" I cried out, tears beginning to form in my eyes as I threw my backpack on the ground. I knelt down besides Eunji's side and waited, hoping that she would respond to me but there was nothing. Fearing the worst, I bent down and held my breath as I began listening for a heartbeat. It was soft and quiet but nonetheless, it was there.

"Thank god you're still alive," I whispered, letting out a sigh of relief before lifting Eunji up, putting her into a more comfortable sitting position. I quickly pulled my jacket off and wrapped it around Eunji's shoulders in attempt to keep her warm before pulling my phone out of my backpack. I immediately open up the emergency keypad and dialed 9-1-1.

It didn't take long before the ambulance arrived. The doors opened up and the ambulance workers filed out, rushing to help Eunji into the ambulance before letting me into the ambulance. During the ride to the hospital, it was almost completely silent, the only sounds you could hear was the low beeping coming from all the machinery and the sound of Eunji's ragged breathing.

Once we arrived at the hospital, the ambulance workers hastily rushed Eunji in, immediately beginning to tend to her needs while I was forced to wait outside her room. I kept wondering what was going on behind that door and finally, after what felt like eternity, Eunji's doctor, Kim Seokjin, emerged from her room and told me about Eunji's conditions.

"Well, your friend here seems to be doing alright now. She almost lost her life after getting brutally beaten up like that but thankfully, our team was able to save her," Dr. Seokjin said with a smile before allowing me to enter Eunji's room. I thanked the doctor, watching him walk away before hesitantly opening the door to Eunji's room.

I quietly slipped in and found Eunji was fast asleep. Sighing, I closed the door behind me and pulled up a chair right besides Eunji's bed before sitting down. I ended up finding myself staring at her peaceful resting face before taking her hand in mine and began subconsciously massaging the back of her hand before breaking down in uncontrollable sobbing.

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