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Kim Taehyung

The very next day, as the bus pulled up into drop-off zone in front of the school, I noticed that there something weird going on with Eunji. During the entire bus ride, I noticed that Eunji hadn't said a single word to me, not even a simple 'good morning' and it was strange because she usually was always talking to me about something but this morning, she was just... silent.

Growing worried, I gently nudged her side, hoping to get her to talk to me but instead, I got the exact opposite reaction I wanted. Instead, she quickly pushed me away before scrambling to gather her belongings. I watched her with my mouth opened as she glanced back at me, an apologetic look on her face before hastily getting off the bus. I let out a sigh as followed Eunji out of the bus. However, when I got off the bus, I completely surprised by what I saw in front of me.

In front of me, I could see Eunji, except the stranger thing about the image I was seeing right in front of me was that she was standing by Minjoon's side. He had his arm wrapped around her shoulder while she rested her head on his chest, weakly smiling at everyone else around her. Minjoon glanced back, smirking at me as he leaned down and whispered something inaudible in Eunji's ear before laughing aloud.

As I watched the two of them continue to interact with one another, I found myself tilting my head to the side in confusion. Eunji absolutely hated Minjoon with every fiber of her being, so why is she with him? Wanting to ask her more about what was going on between the two of them, I decided it was best to wait until lunch before asking her questions.

When it was finally time for lunch, I began making my way towards the lunchroom and frowned when I spotted Eunji sitting with Minjoon at his lunch table. I let out a quiet sigh as I got in line for lunch. The minute I got out of the lunch line, I immediately walked over to Minjoon's table and without saying a word, took Eunji by the wrist and dragged her all the way up to the rooftops, where we could talk in private.

"Eunji, you have some explaining to do. What's going on? Why are you so close with Minjoon all of a sudden? I thought you hated him!" I cried out as Eunji hastily pulled her wrist out of my grasp, not bothering to look up at me. There was an awkward silence between the two of us before I opened my mouth, about to ask her once more, but just as I began talking, Eunji spoke up, cutting me off.

"Look, there's nothing going on between the two of us. Minjoon decided to forgive me for the mistake I've made and we decided to start over and give each other a second chance. Please believe me when I say he's not as bad as he seems... He's just misunderstood," Eunji whispered, still refusing to look up at me. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Was she actually defending him? Hearing what Eunji said, I immediately knew there was definitely something not right.

"But why did he suddenly change? What made him change all of a sudden? I know people just can't change overnight, and I know very well  that you know that too. Eunji... Whatever's going on right now, you know you can tell me anything, you do trust me after all, right?" I continued to ask, hoping that I could get more answers out of her. Instead, Eunji quickly shook her head and let out a frustrated sigh.

"Look, Minjoon forgave me and we decided to give each other a second chance. Can we just leave it at that?!" Eunji shouted as she glaried up at me with an angry expression on her face. I hesitantly took a step back, surprised by Eunji's sudden reaction to my question. She was usually calm and quiet person, never one to raise her voice out of anger so I was shocked to hear her nearly screaming at me just now. She's never yelled at me before. Not with an angry tone like this.

Surprised herself, Eunji cautiously took a step back and quickly apologized before turning her back towards me and ran back down the staircase, leaving me alone with an aching heart.

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