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Lee Eunji

The second I woke up, I was greeted by a throbbing pain in my head.I attempted to sit up in an upright position but the moment I tried to move any part of my body, I was greeted by even more pain. After a few attempts, I finally gave up, letting out a sigh of defeat as I reached up and massaged the back of my head while wishing for the pain in my head to go away.

Having nothing better to do, I started glancing around the room, slowly realizing that I wasn't at home in my own room. As I continued to look around, I noticed that I was laying on a hospital bed, all sorts of machinery hooked up to me and besides me was Taehyung, who was resting his head on my bed. I could tell that he's been crying due to the fact that his eyes were slightly puffy, his hair stuck to his face and there was a giant pile of tissues sitting besides him.

Seeing how innocent and vulnerable Taehyung looked while fast asleep, I couldn't help but smile. I slowly leaned forwards, trying not to move around too much, and reached out, gently pushing his hair out of his face, then stroking the back of my hand against his cheeks. As the back of my hand gently brushed against his cheek, Taehyung mumbled something before turning his head in the opposite direction. I let out a sigh, leaning back just as the door opened.

"Good morning miss Eunji, I see you're awake now. I'm your doctor, Kim Seokjin, but if you like, you can just call me Jin. Now that introductions are out of the way, I wanted to know how are you feeling right now?" The doctor asked, flashing a kind smile towards my direction as he picked up the clipboard sitting on the table across from my bed.

"I'm fine, it's just I have this throbbing headache and it hurts when I move around a lot," I replied, kindly smiling back at Jin. Jin paused for a moment, nodding his head as he pulled a pen out of the front pocket on his coat. He quickly began writing down little notes on the clipboard meanwhile, I found myself staring at Taehyung's sleeping figure. I bit down on my lips, hesitating before deciding to ask Jin about Taehyung.

"Um, Jin? How long has he been here?" I quietly asked, pointing a finger towards the sleeping boy who was sat in the chair right beside my hospital bed, his head resting on my bed. Curious as to who I was asking about, Jin lowered the clipboard in his hands and slowly glanced up, gazing in the direction I was pointing in. When he spotted Taehyung, the perplexed look on his face was replaced with a soft smile.

"Oh him? The hospital staff tried to force him to leave the building last night but he refused to leave your side. He put up a good fight, they even had to call the security guards. After seeing how much he really cared about you, I decided to talk with the staff and convinced them to let him stay overnight," Jin said with a light laugh as he set the clipboard back down on the table.

"Well, I'm going to go get you some painkillers and some medicine for your headache and then you are free to leave," Jin said as he slipped out the door, leaving me alone with Taehyung once more.

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