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Lee Eunji

After a long and tiring day of school, I felt so relieved to hear the final school bell ring, signalling the end of the day. After what happened this morning, I was eager to finally leave this place. I hastily stood up and swung my backpack over my shoulder as I waved goodbye to Taehyung before rushing out the classroom. I hurriedly ran down the hall and stopped at my locker, opening it up, before searching for a letter I wrote.

However, I was unable to find it. I searched all throughout my locker but the letter seemed to have disappeared. Knowing I wasn't going to find it anytime soon, I let out a disappointed sigh, and slammed my locker closed before walking out of school. The moment I took a step outside of the building, I began sprinting down the sidewalk, excited to escape this prison.

"Hey! Eunji!! Wait up!"

Hearing a familiar voice call my name, I felt my entire body tense up, hoping it wasn't who I thought it was. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath as I slowly turned around to face the person who was calling name. I slowly opened my eyes, and frowned as I confirmed my worst fear. The person standing in front of me was none other than Kim Minjoon.

"M-Minjoon! W-what do you want from me?" I stammered, struggling to keep a calm composure. However, even though I tried my best to stay calm and attempted to keep a straight face, it was obvious that one, I'm really bad at doing poker faces and two, that I was anything but calm. Minjoon seemed to have noticed that right away and gave me a sly smirk.

"So Eunji... I have decided to let go of my grudge towards you and forgive you for the little mistake you've made on the first day of school," Minjoon slowly began, the sound of his voice sending chills down my spine. I shivered and nervously glanced up at Minjoon while slowly began backing away from him, causing Minjoon to chuckle as he continued on.

"But in exchange, you have to be my girlfriend."

"What?!" I cried out, my eyes widening, nearly choking on my own saliva as I processed in what Minjoon just said. "Are you crazy?! This is completely ridiculous! I'm not going to be your girlfriend, you idiot! You're really stupid if you think I'm going to date you just because I want you to stop bullying me. Minjoon, if you think I'd agree to this, then you better think again!"

"Well then... I didn't really want to resort to this but you leave me no choice Eunji. If you don't agree to be my girlfriend, then I'll tell the entire school about your 'little' crush on Taehyung," Minjoon smirked, holding up a familiar looking piece of folded paper. I squinted my eyes, trying to remember where I saw it before, gasping when I realized it was the letter I was looking for earlier.

"W-where did you find that? H-how did you get that?" I stammered. I could feel the color draining from my face as Minjoon teasingly waved the letter around. I bit down on my lips, keeping my eyes glued to the letter in Minjoon's hand. After watching him wave it around for a few second, I attempted to snatch the letter back from him, but Minjoon held the letter high over his head, making impossible for me get it back.

"After you two left the scene, I decided to get some revenge on your friend by going through his locker but your friend there didn't have anything interesting inside, so I decided to go looking through yours and I found this letter just sitting in there," Minjoon laughed, gazing at the letter in his hand. My gaze fell to the floor as I began thinking about his offer.

"So Eunji, I will ask you this one more time. Will you be my girlfriend?" Minjoon asked, his mouth curving upwards as he patiently waited for my response. I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath as I bit down my lips once more, hesitating to answer Minjoon's question. It didn't take long before I made up my mind. I didn't want Taehyung to hear my confession through Minjoon's mouth.


"Good job Eunji! I knew you couldn't say 'no' to me! Oh, one more thing forgot to mention but, you absolutely cannot tell your friend, Taehyung, or else I'll go and tell the entire school about your crush. Well, I think that's it! I'll be seeing you tomorrow... Babe," Minjoon smiled, winking at me before happily walking off. I watched Minjoon walk off, cringing at the sound of the name he had for me. The moment Minjoon disappeared, I took off running and ran all the way home, tears beginning to form in my eyes.

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