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Kim Taehyung

The kiss didn't last long.

A few seconds passed before Eunji slowly pulled away, putting a bit of space between us once more. Confused, I opened my eyes and tilted my head to the side, wondering what was going on in her head as she lower her head, not even bothering to look at me in the eyes. We awkwardly sat there in completely silence, before glancing up at one another, bursting into laughter when our eyes met.

"Pfft, that was such a cheesy confession coming from the both of us, don't you agree?" Eunji laughed, gazing at me as she waited for a response. Instead of responding to her verbally, I just nodded my head, agreeing with her statement. It was impossible for me to say anything since I was laughing too hard, tears beginning to form in the corner of my eyes. I reached up and quickly wiped them away before taking a deep breath, calming myself.

"But you liked it, no?" I replied, my mouth curving upwards to form a sly smirk on my face. Eunji rolled her eyes and let out a sigh before continuing to laugh, lightly punching me in arm as she did. Suddenly, in the midst of our laughter, we heard a loud creak, causing us both to turn our attention towards the door. We held our breaths as the door slowly swung forwards and opened up to reveal Jin standing in the doorway.

"I'm back Miss Eunji, and oh, I see you're awake now Taehyung. Anyways, Miss Eunji, I have your medicine here," Jin said, smiling as he walked into the room. In one hand, he held a glass of water and in the other was the medication meant for Eunji. He handed Eunji the glass of water and her medication before picking up the clipboard sitting on the table, writing something down while Eunji took her medicine.

"Well Miss Eunji, I believe you're free to go now. There's a cafeteria down on the first floor if you two want to eat before leaving," Jin added, glancing up from his clipboard while flashing at smile at the two of us.  He lowered the clipboard and bent forwards, bowing down before leaving the room, leaving us alone again. I glanced over at Eunji and gave her a questioning look, about to ask her what she wanted to do next but before I could even ask, a loud growl coming from my stomach interrupted me.

"So, do you want to eat?" I asked. I could feel the tips of my ears growing hot and probably turning slightly red right now. Eunji sat there in, silently staring me with a soft look on her face before bursting into laughter, nodding her head as she did. We called up the nurse, who quickly removed all the wires attached to Eunji, before heading down to the first floor where the cafeteria was located.

"So, Taehyung... What do you think will happen when we get back to school?" Eunji asked, pursing her lips together as she leaned forwards out and grabbed a slice of cake off of the shelf. She turned back towards me, a large smile on her face as she placed it on our tray. I smiled back and grabbed another slice of cake for myself before heading to the cash register. I quickly paid the employee standing behind the counter before turning around to face Eunji, however the  first thing I noticed when I turned around was that Eunji wasn't by my side anyone. Worried, I glanced round and found Eunji sitting at a table, patiently waiting for me.

Spotting Eunji, I let out a sigh of relief before making my way over to where Eunji sat. Eunji perked up the moment she saw me, she began staring at me with this look in her eyes, like a predator hunting their prey. The second I set down the tray, Eunji immediately picked up her spoon and began digging in to her slice of cake. I laughed, taking my slice of cake and began eating while at the same time, was struggling to come up a good response to her question.

"I honestly don't know what'll happen. We'll have to wait and see," I finally said, closing my eyes as I let out a deep sigh. Silence fell over the both of us, I opened my eyes and watched as Eunji instantly inhale her slice of cake. She only had one bite left of her cake, I glanced up at her and laughed before standing up. She stared at me, a curious look in her eyes as I leaned over the side of the table and ate remaining piece of cake that was sitting on Eunji's spoon. Her eyes widen as I swallowed the cake and winked at her.

"Hey!" Eunji cried out, puffing out her cheeks as she crossed her arms. I laughed and stuck my tongue out at her as she leaned forwards, and attempted to steal a huge chunk of my cake. Seeing her aim for my cake, I grabbed the plate and slid it away from her right at the last second, chuckling as Eunji glared at me, a determined look in her eyes. She leaned forward and tried again, and this time, I just smiled and let her take my cake.

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