Chapter one

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"Momma, can you tell us again the story of papa and you?" My beautiful ten-year-old daughter asked me while we were sitting down in the living room. My son Jacob nodded his head while staring up at me. I smiled at my children, they remind me so much of my husband. I'm so lucky to have had them with my beloved Jason. I still miss him so much. 

"Okay, I'll tell you all one more time, it started at the skate park" 

It started in our college years, it was the end of fall, and my friend Jeff and I decided to spend the day doing our absolute favorite thing, skating in the skate park. I was showing off this new move I invented when suddenly my eyes caught the most beautiful pair of brown eyes. I knew exactly who they belonged to, they were the eyes of my very hot crush, Jason Anderson. Jason is a very popular and incredibly athletic boy who has completely captured my heart. I'm not completely sure what exactly caught my eyes, maybe his smile or the way he can make you feel special simply by speaking to you. I just couldn't stop staring at him during our classes. I was staring at Jason and his incredible moves when suddenly our eyes locked. We stared at each other for quite a few minutes before I heard a crash. I gasped, Jason crashed into a post and it's all my fault. I rushed over to him with the help of Jeff. 

"Oh my god, Jason are you okay?!" I asked him while crouching down to his level. He looked up at me with pain in his eyes. 

"No, I think my arm may be broken" He painfully chuckled. My eyes widened while I looked at Jeff. 

"Jeff call an ambulance, quickly" I yelled at him, he nodded and took out his phone quickly calling for help. I looked back into Jason's captivating brown eyes. Honestly, how can someone be this handsome and so approachable. He looked at me and gave me a weak smile. 

A few minutes later Jeff came back and we could hear the sirens of the ambulance. They sure did come quickly. They ran out of their car and quickly picked up Jason and brought him towards the hospital. I really hope that he's going to be okay. I feel so guilty. Jeff looked at me and smirked. 

"I'm surprised that you are acting so calm Ella, you just spoke to Jason" He stated and I blushed. Holy heck he's right, I can't believe I just spoke to Jason Anderson. This is the best day ever! 

A week later I was walking in the halls when I saw Jason again. This time he had a cast around his arm and people were asking if they could sign the cast. I still felt really bad, I didn't mean for this to happen. While I was passing by him, I noticed his lingering stares. I started to blush before quickly walking to my next class. I really hope he doesn't blame me. After that day, I tried avoiding Jason, we never spoke beforehand and we didn't need to start now. It was only a month later that I ran into Jason again. It was in late winter and the school was having a party at the nearby club. Club pearl has always been one of my favorite places and that night only increased that. I was dancing gracefully on the dance floor when Jason walked in. He looked absolutely dashing, he was wearing a blue jacket, and his brown hair was styled to perfection. He walked over to the tables and sat down. I could see him staring back at me, causing me to blush. 

"Damn she looked so cute tonight" I heard a voice say. I looked at Jason to see him talking to himself. Who could he be talking about? Does he have a crush on someone? I frowned. 

"I wish I could have the courage to talk to her again," He said again. I don't think he realizes that he's thinking out loud. Should I go over there and tell him? I stopped dancing and walked over to him. He blushed when he noticed me. 

"Jason are you okay? You've been talking out loud" I explained to him and his face turned red from embarrassment. 

"Oh y-yea I'm fine, completely fine" He nervously stated. I raised an eyebrow before shrugging. I started walking away before I heard Jason again. 

"I can't believe she heard me. She's even cuter up close" I looked back at him. He was talking about me? Does he think I'm cute? I started blushing. 

"Um, Jason you said that out loud again" I was now blushing like crazy and so was he. He smiled nervously at me. 

"Oh I'm a dumbass, well Ella since you heard me, I was wondering if maybe you would be my girlfriend? I've liked you for a while now but was too scared to even approach you" He asked me out with a nervous smile. My eyes widened. He just asked me out?! Oh my god!

"Oh my god, you just asked me out. Are you serious?!" I freaked out a little bit. He chuckled at my reaction. 

"I'm completely serious, I really like you Ella" He explained. I couldn't contain my smile. 

"Of course I would go out with you" I exclaimed with excitement. I can't believe he actually asked me out. 

"Let's get out of here," He said while grabbing my hand. We quickly walked out of the club towards the beginning of our relationship. 

Hey lovelies, welcome to my "new" story. The story itself is not new since I wrote it a long time ago but I have now rewritten it and here we are. I hope you all enjoy it. 


It started at a skateparkWhere stories live. Discover now