Chapter seven

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After Jem's fabulous wedding, Jason and I weren't on good terms. He refused to tell me what he was talking about. I couldn't stop thinking about it, does this mean that Jason wants to marry me? Was he simply just joking to see my reaction? Maybe he's just trying to scare me away instead of breaking up with me? I kept pestering him about this but he continued to blow me off every time I mentioned anything. I finally got fed up and decided that I would just ignore him and not speak to him for a while. Jason was currently trying to get my attention.

"Ella please talk to me. I'm sorry for whatever I did, just please talk to me. I miss you" Jason was whining. He came over to my room to try and get me to talk to him.

"Ella, baby I love you. Do you still love me?" He had a sad look with a pouty face. It was so hard not to crack.

"Fine, you want to talk? Jason what did you mean at the wedding?" I questioned him and his face dropped.

"It's nothing important, don't worry about it" He blew me off once again. I was now furious, why won't he just explain.

"Damn it, Jason. I hate these stupid games you play. If you want to end things with me just say it" I yelled at him. I'm so sick and tired of his bullshit.

"What?! No Ella why would you think that?" He looked at me with a look of confusion.

"How could I not think that, you have been very secretive and you are now closer with Jem. And now you refuse to explain what you are talking about. Jason, I just feel like you are cheating on me" I told him how I have been feeling. He looked at me with sad eyes.

"Ella baby I'm so sorry for the secrets. I didn't mean to make you think that I have been cheating. I love you and only you. I promise you that I'll explain everything tonight. Just please meet me at the campsite with your camping stuff" He said while kissing my lips and leaving the room. I was left with even more questions than when we started this conversation. Why am dating the most mysterious and secretive man ever? I got off my couch and started packing my camping things and changed before leaving the hotel for the campsite one hour away. When I arrived Jason was there waiting for me. He was sitting by a fire and looked puzzled.

"I'm here what do you want to say that you couldn't have just explained back at the hotel?" I asked him with an angry tone. Jason was honestly pissing me off.

"Ella, you are the most beautiful, smartest, most wonderful woman I have ever met. I love how you can put up with me and how amazing you are at everything you do. I love how I make you blush simply by smiling at you. I love all the nights spent watching television, cuddling on the couch, and all the kissing. I love every minute with you and that is why I am doing this" He stated while going down on one knee. My eyes widened in shock and my hand placed itself on my open mouth.

"Elizabeth Margaret Rockwell, will you make me the happiest and luckiest man ever and spend the rest of our lives together? Will you be my wife?" He asked while opening the velvet box, revealing a diamond ring. I was in complete shock.

"Let me get this straight. You have been secretive for the last few months and really strange and have been worrying me just so you could propose to me?" I asked him in complete disbelief.

"Yep pretty much" He smiled nervously at me. I honestly can't believe this man. My smile grew and I started crying.

"Oh, Ella are you okay? What's wrong?" He ran to consult me and I smiled at him.

"Yes, yes I'll marry you. I love you Jason" I kissed him and he smiled into the kiss.

"I love you so much. I'm just so happy you said yes" He picked me up and twirled me in his arms kissing me like crazy. I was laughing at his joy.

"I'm happy too, I'm so glad that you aren't cheating on me. I'm happy that we are good now and I'm super excited because we are getting married" I yelled the last part in excitement. I can't believe I'm actually going to get married.

"I love you so much," Jason said while picking me up and bringing me to the tent. I giggled.

"I love you too" He kissed me with so much passion. The kiss started gently and then it became rough. Jason ended up slipping his tongue into my mouth exploring every inch of it. We soon started making out and it started getting really heated in the tent. I can't believe this is happening but I'm so happy that this is happening. I'm going to spend the rest of my life with him and I love him so much.

Chapter seven is done. Jason proposed to her!!! and now *cough* things are getting steamy in that tent. I hope you enjoyed it.


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