Chapter six

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About a week after Jem and Aaron got engaged, she asked for my help in planning the wedding. I was honored to help her since she's my best friend. While we were planning the wedding, Jason was gone visiting his family in Paris. He hadn't seen his family in a while and it was the perfect time to go visit them. I was sitting with Jem in her room while she was going over all her bridal books. 

"So for the flowers, I was thinking perhaps daisy's. The cake should definitely be vanilla buttercream and I think the wedding should be outside near the rock. That would be the best place since it's so special. Now tomorrow we are going to get the wedding dress with the bridesmaid's ones. They will be pink and the men will be wearing a suit and tie" Jem was on planning mode also known as a crazy woman. 

"Jem please calm down, the wedding will be perfect," I told her and she smiled. 

"Ella I am so happy that you are helping me with this. You are the best friend anyone could ask for" She hugged me. I am the best, aren't I?

The wedding took almost a month to plan, Jem was honestly a crazy bride the whole time we were planning. She's lucky that I have a lot of patience. Then right before the week of the wedding more drama unleashed itself on us. Jason came back from Paris with his sister because she was coming for the wedding. Jason came back a little strange, while in Paris he went to a show where this man decided to use hypnotize. The man found out that Jason was related to Aaron and this man hated Aaron for something he did in the past. The man-made Jason believes that he was Aaron so when he came back he had no memories of ever being Jason. I remember being really upset when he first came home. I was super excited to see my boyfriend to be met with this outcome. 

"Jason, you're finally home" I ran up to him and into his arms. I gave him a hug but he didn't hug back. 

"You didn't hug back, Jason are you okay?" I asked him with a worried face. He looked at me with this blank expression. 

"Who is this Jason you are speaking of? I am Aaron Anderson" He explained. I looked at him confused. What does he mean that he's Aaron? 

"Wait what? You aren't Aaron, you are Jason Anderson. The man I am in love with" I was almost in tears. Does he not remember me? What happened in Paris?

"I'm sorry but you must have me confused with someone else" He explained with confusion. I cried that night, all I wanted was my Jason back. I needed to bring him back but I'm not sure how. I decided to text Aaron while he was at work. He works at the pool since he loves swimming. 

Ella: Aaron, Jason came back but he thinks that he is you and not himself

Aaron: What? How did this happen?

Ella: He came back like this. He said something about this man hypnotizing him. The guy wanted revenge for something you did

Aaron: Oh no, we are in trouble then. That man is really dangerous. I know how to help, I have a friend that can help with this

Ella: Okay, thank you, Aaron

I closed my phone and went to the address that Aaron gave me. I really hope this friend can help me. I arrived at the address about an hour later and she helped me by explaining and giving me some potions that would help. I found the whole thing really weird but Aaron said that she has experience with this type of thing. I went back home after thanking her and used the potion on Jason. The first one returned his memories of being Jason and the second one returned his feelings for me back to him. Jason was finally back and things were back on track. Jem's wedding was coming up and then I would be starting my first job. 

"Are you ready to finally be married?" I asked Jem the day before, she was nervous and anxious.

"Yeah, I honestly can't wait to marry Aaron. I'm so excited but my world will be changing forever. I won't be single anymore and then I'm going to have kids. I'm excited about that part since little baby Aaron's would be super cute" She started talking really fast. It was hard to keep up. 

"Calm down Jem, everything is going to be. You love Aaron and he loves you" I reassured her.

"Thank you so much, Ella, I can't wait until your wedding" She mentioned and I smiled sadly.

"Yeah imagine me getting married ha. I've only been dating Jason for about a year" I told her and she rolled her eyes. 

"Ella you love Jason and he loves you just as much. This relationship isn't going to end except in marriage" She explained. I'm not so sure about that these days. Jason has been acting really weird these days, maybe he just doesn't want to be with me. Jem and I spent the whole night together since she can't see Aaron until tomorrow. It was a fun night but I still couldn't wrap my head around my relationship with Jason. We are going great now but what would happen in the future.

The next day was finally the wedding. Jem looked extremely beautiful in her white dress with her blooming flowers in her hands. The guests were pouring in and everything just looked perfect. Jem was stressing all day, she wanted everything to go smoothly. She wouldn't even eat because she was afraid that she was too big to fit her dress. She was honestly driving me insane with her worrying. 

"Jem please calm down, everything is ready. Just put the damn dress on and walk down that aisle, get married to Aaron and be happy. I'm so tired of you stressing out" I yelled at her trying to stop her from freaking out. 

"I'm sorry Ella, I didn't mean to freak out but I just have this feeling that something will go wrong," She said while sitting down. 

"Come on, you're Jemston Jade Crystal nothing will stop you from shinning. Get dressed and get up there and shine" I smiled at her. She giggled. 

"Okay fine, I'll get married," She said sarcastically. I laughed and she started getting ready. I hope Jason is having a better time than me. Once Jem was finally ready, we exited the changing room to walk down the aisle towards her future. I stood next to Jason and he smiled at me.

"You look absolutely breathtaking babe," He said while grabbing my arm for us to walk down on our queue. 

"You're not too bad yourself" I kissed his cheek and we started walking. 

"I can't wait until I am up there waiting for you," He said which shocked me. Did he just say our wedding? 

"Jason what do you-" I was cut off by the music starting. Jason smirked at me and we started walking down the aisle. This conversation is definitely not over, I need to know what he meant. The wedding was beautiful and once it was over Aaron and Jem left for their honeymoon. I was left with Jason who refused to explain further. 

Chapter six is done. Jem and Aaron are finally married!! What could Jason be talking about? Is he planning on marrying Ella? 


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