Chapter nine

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About a week later Jason and I decided that it would be best to buy our first house together. It took us a few tries to find the perfect one but eventually, we found our home. The house was a nice two-bedroom unit with a nice living room, two bathrooms, a huge basement, and a small kitchen. It was perfect for us and I instantly fell in love with it. I was super excited to be living with Jason, it was a huge step and I was extremely ready to take it. We bought the house with the money we saved up and finally moved in. I was allowed to design it and I had fun with the decor, I loved it. Now it was a few days since we moved in and I woke up quite early and rushed to the bathroom. I was feeling sick to my stomach and I couldn't contain last night's dinner. I woke Jason up when I left the bed. He followed me to the bathroom.

"Ella are you okay? What's wrong?" He saw me crouched on the ground and emptying my stomach. He pulled my hair out of my face and rubbed my back to comfort me. After a few minutes, I was finally done and cleaned my face. I looked at Jason who smiled softly at me.

"Baby are you okay?" He asked me and I nodded while going into his arms.

"Yeah I probably just ate something bad" I smiled at him and he nodded but I knew he didn't look convinced. We left the bathroom and went back to bed until later today. I was falling asleep while wondering why I was vomiting in the first place. I finally woke up at around nine am and Jason was going to work. I kissed him goodbye and got ready for the day. I decided that I should go to the doctors and see what exactly was wrong with me. I wanted to know why I got sick this morning. I arrived at the doctor's office and went towards the front desk.

"Hello I am Ella Rockwell and I was wondering if doctor Ying is here today?" I asked the receptionist and she nodded while telling me to wait for the doctor. I sat in the waiting area until my name was called and I followed the doctor to his room. I sat on the bed while he sat in his chair.

"Good day miss Rockwell to what do I own this visit?" He smiled at me. I smiled back.

"Well, this morning I woke up early with the need to vomit. I believe that I ate something strange the night before but I was still concern" I explained to him and he nodded.

"Interesting, have you been feeling nauseous lately? Have you perhaps been eating more? When was your last period?" He asked me. I was taken aback by that last question.

"Well yes I have been feeling more nauseous but only did I empty out my stomach this morning. I have been eating a bunch too, Friday Jason and I ordered pizza and I ate a whole large one to myself. My last period was actually a month and a half ago" I answered him and he nodded while writing it in the chart.

"Okay, miss Rockwell I have diagnosed what is wrong with you. I can assure you that it is nothing bad" He explained making me less worried.

"Miss Rockwell you are pregnant" He smiled at me. My eyes widened. I'm pregnant? I'm going to have Jason's child. How would he feel about this? I don't know if he will be happy. What if he leaves me? My breathing started to quicken and doctor Ying looked at me concerned.

"Miss Rockwell are you okay?" He asked me.

"Y-yeah I'm fine. Can I possibly go now?" I asked him and he nodded. I got off the bed and left the room. I waved to the receptionist and quickly left towards my car. I was freaking out, how am I supposed to tell Jason about this? We just got engaged and just moved in together. Will he even want a baby? I drove home slowly since I wasn't ready to face Jason. Once I walked into the door Jason was there and quickly rushed over to me.

"Hey baby, where did you go today?" He asked while wrapping his arms around me. I nervously smiled at him.

"O-oh I went to the doctor's since I was worried about this morning" I went to sit on the couch and Jason followed me. He looked worried.

"So what did he say? Are you okay?" He sat next to me looking into my eyes. He was acting quite adorably.

"I-I'm perfectly fine. It's just that I don't know how you would react to what I am about to say" I looked down. This was a huge decision and I didn't know how he would react.

"Ella, baby, you can tell me anything," He said while grabbing my hands. I took a breath in and looked into his gorgeous brown eyes.

"Jason...I'm pregnant" I closed my eyes once the words left my mouth. I was terrified to see his reaction. I finally opened my eyes again a few minutes later since Jason didn't say anything. I looked at him and could see that he was still processing everything. Suddenly he jumped up off the couch, surprising me.

"I'm going to be a dad?" He asked with the biggest smile I have ever seen grace his face. I let out a sigh of relief.

"You aren't mad?" I looked at him and he sat back down next to me. He frowned when seeing my worried face.

"Baby, I would never be mad at you and especially not for this. You are having my baby, I couldn't possibly be happier. I love you" He pulled me into a kiss and I smiled. I honestly can't wait until our baby is born, he is going to be the best dad ever.

Chapter nine is done. In this chapter, we find out that Ella is pregnant. Which happened when they slept together back at the campsite. See I told you writing that part was important to the story. I hope you enjoyed this chapter


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