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There Junhui stood surrounded by darkness. He didn't know where he was; Junhui was surrounded by his own negative thought and feelings, the darkness, and the darkness was so overwhelming that he didn't even realize where he was: his mind. It was his depression, his anxiety, his fear that surrounded him- it was dark and hopeless.

He looked around him. Maybe, just maybe, there was a way for him to escape this seemingly endless world of pitch black. Half of Junhui was still fearful that he would bump into something that would potentially harm him, but the other half of him was fearful because he thought this would be the end of him. Junhui needed to find a way out. He turned around in circles looking for something that would guide him out of the darkness.

Junhui missed it at first, but caught it when he took his second circle around. There was a way out of the darkness, and it was where the white light was. He took a hesitant step forward and hoped that the light didn't vanish on him. The light was still there, and the light was shining just a little brighter than before. Junhui walked towards the light, and the light got brighter. His pace quickened into a light jog, then in to a sprint. Sweat poured down his temples as the light neared him.

The light was merely yards away from him at a point. His sprint slowed back to a walk, and he stood inches from the light. The light was large and extended through the walls of the darkness. The light beckoned him, but for some reason, he was hesitant. Junhui didn't know the light was truly the answer to the darkness. Maybe, beyond the light in front of him was more darkness.

That's when he heard it: the sound of a drum. The beat of the drum was low, almost like a heartbeat. It was coming from the light. Junhui took one more step towards the light. Yes, the light had to have been the answer to the darkness. He turned back and looked at the darkness that was behind him. He would never forget the darkness, but now the light was more important to him.

Junhui finally walked into the light, the white light overcoming him. It was time for a change; it was time for the light to overcome his darkness.

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