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Life was boring for Seungcheol. It was static; it was the same thing day in and day out. He would wake up, get ready to head to the studio, and just sit in the studio and do absolutely nothing. Jihoon always did his best in the studio, and Soonyoung danced regardless of whether or not he had new songs to work with, but Seungcheol always just sat there and did nothing. He needed a change in pace- he was so freaking bored.

Seungcheol fiddled with his pencil as he sat in the studio room with Jihoon. Jihoon was messing around with some beat, and Seungcheol was just so bored.

"That pencil has been stuck between your lip and your nose for the past three minutes now," Jihoon said as he snatched the pencil away from Seungcheol- he needed to make some notes. "What are you thinking about?"

"Nothing," Seungcheol said flatly.

"No, tell me what you're thinking about," Jihoon refused.

"I'm literally thinking about nothing, like my mind is completely blank!" Seungcheol suddenly exclaimed.

"Maybe you need a breath of fresh air?" Jihoon tried.

"You say that every time I speak loudly," Seungcheol gritted out. "I am, however, going to go out though. I can't stand being bored like this all the time."

"Take Soonyoung with you, then. He's going to sweat himself to death at this rate," Jihoon turned back to his computer.

Seungcheol contemplated giving Jihoon a swift slap the head before he left; he didn't hit Jihoon. He gestured to his sweating, bleached hair friend and said, "Let's go out and get an ice cream or something. I'm dying here."

"You're dying?" Soonyoung said as he turned off the music and turned to Seungcheol while panting. "If you're dying, then I must be dead."

"Funny, but let's go," Seungcheol faked a smile. "Hurry before you have to pay for yourself."

Soonyoung followed Seungcheol out of the building and onto the street. Seungcheol put on a pair of sunglasses while Soonyoung took out a face mask out of the pocket in his shorts. They walked a block to their local convenience store, the two boys walking there with their eyes glued to their phones. Soonyoung was busy watching dance practices that he wanted to learn while Seungcheol was looking up different types of food to eat- yes, he was that bored.

"Watch your step," Seungcheol said as he entered the store; Soonyoung always seemed to trip before entering the convenience store. Soonyoung still managed to trip even though he watched his step as Seungcheol stated.

Soonyoung sat down at the table near the window while Seungcheol went and got their ice cream for them- they both typically got the same ice cream whenever they went out together. Seungcheol paid for their ice creams then joined Soonyoung where he was cooling off.

"Okay, but are you really that bored?" Soonyoung asked Seungcheol as he handed him his ice cream.

"Look at it this way: I have to wait for Jihoon to finish the song before I can fit in any lyrics, and Jihoon also fills in with his lyrics. For a dancer like you, you can choreograph moves to any dance and then recycle those moves. You can't do that with lyrics because they need to fit the song," Seungcheol explained. "Plus, I don't feel motivated enough to make my own music. I'm just bored."

"If you're so bored, then why don't you go to the gym and exercise?" Soonyoung asked.

"I exercise in the morning and the evening. If I exercise in the afternoon, then I'll just be muscle," Seungcheol sighed.

"Isn't that good?" Soonyoung asked.

"No, you need to have some fat to be healthy," Seungcheol muttered.

The two sat and ate their ice cream whilst they were still on their phones. Seungcheol was scrolling through his texts and he sighed. Part of his boredom was that nobody texted him. Maybe if he had someone who would be willing to text him his boredom would vanish. Seungcheol put his phone down and looked in front of him. Even the street was boring- there was nothing to look at on the street. There weren't any cars passing, nor were there any pedestrians except for one. Seungcheol almost went back to his phone, but the person caught his eye. He looked at the person, and his jaw dropped. She had short hair, but it complimented her slim figure, and she had the most beautiful eyes- Seungcheol just had to talk to her.

"Hey, I'll be right back," Seungcheol said. "Watch my phone, will you?"

Before Soonyoung could even respond, Seungcheol ran out of the store and caught up to the passing girl. He ran right in front of her and stopped her. He was a little short of breath, but that was probably because she was even prettier beyond the window- she took his breath away.

"Just a question," Seungcheol managed to say as he took off his sunglasses. He pointed at himself and asked, "Do you know who I am?"

The girl shook her head and said, "No."

"Perfect," Seungcheol smiled. "Can I borrow your phone? I lost mine, and I need to call my friend."

The girl nodded. She dug into her purse and handed Seungcheol a phone with a pink case. Seungcheol thanked her and proceeded to call his number. As the phone rang, Seungcheol turned to her and asked, "What's your name?"

"My name?" The girl said, "My name is Oh Seolhyun."

"Hi, Seolhyun, nice to meet you. My name is Choi Seungcheol," Seungcheol held out his hand and smiled. Seolhyun shook his hand and smiled back, and Seungcheol could've sworn his heart skipped a beat.

Seungcheol looked at Soonyoung in the window, who was staring at him with a disappointed face. Seungcheol made a face and willed Soonyoung to pick up the phone. Soonyoung reluctantly picked up the phone, and Seungcheol started speaking.

"Hey! Seolhyun let me borrow her phone. Where are you?" Seungcheol asked.

"I can't believe you, you headass," Soonyoung shook his head. "Get back in here."

Soonyoung hung up on Seungcheol, and Seungcheol played it off cooly. "Ah, you're in the studio? I'll meet you there."

Seungcheol handed the phone back to Seolhyun and said, "Thank you so much, I'll see you around someday?"

Seungcheol walked away from Seolhyun, who stood there shocked and confused. Seungcheol smiled to himself as he entered the convenience store. He almost tripped entering the store, but he caught himself in time. He walked back to Soonyoung, who gave him the epitome of a disappointed face.

"I cannot believe you," Soonyoung said as he stood up. "Let's head back."

Seungcheol grinned at the new number on his phone as the two boys headed back into the studio. Soonyoung resumed dancing, and Seungcheol went back to the room where Jihoon was still working. Seungcheol sat down, and Jihoon turned around.

"Hey, listen to this," Jihoon said as he pressed play.

Seungcheol's head bopped to the music, his face lit up as he opened Seolhyun's phone number to text. Jihoon looked at the happy boy as he sent a message, a note sounding from his phone as he sent the message.

"What was that?" Jihoon asked.

"The solution to my boredom," Seungcheol hummed.

"What does that mean?" Jihoon persisted.

Seungcheol looked up at Jihoon and said with a huge smile on his face, "It means my life is about to get a lot less boring now."

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